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Mothers and pain: the effect of a mother's pain experience on the child




How does the preceding experience of pain by the mother affect the child's response to the painful event? This work intends to be a preliminary answer to this problem. A questionnaire with 10 items was administered to 217 mothers aged 26/45 years, with 1 (44%) or 2 (47%) children, and from different regions of central and southern Italy. The majority of the mothers had a memory of a supporting response by her family to her experience of pain. 50% of the mothers recalled an episode of physical pain and 20% an episode of moral pain. The memory of moral pain was more widespread in the South (71% of all the mothers). The definition of pain was negative (62%): pain was experienced either as a threat to health or a limitation to one's freedom. The children, conversely, dealt with pain in 67% of the cases by looking for their parents and asking for help; 33% dealt with pain alone. 91% of the mothers who become upset when they have pain have children who, when they are ill, behave in the same manner. It is in the South that the relationships in the family remain mainly unchanged (68%) on the occasion of an illness of a child, while it is in central Italy that these improve more easily. For mothers, pain is a substantially negative experience. The study shows that a family experience of pain is passed, as far as the manner of dealing with it is concernec, from one generation to another.
机译:母亲先前的痛苦经历如何影响孩子对痛苦事件的反应?这项工作旨在为这个问题提供初步的答案。对来自意大利中部和南部不同地区的217名年龄在26/45岁的母亲,有1名(44%)或2名(47%)的孩子进行了问卷调查,其中包含10项内容。大多数母亲对家人的痛苦经历记忆犹新。 50%的母亲回忆起身体疼痛发作和20%的精神痛苦发作。南方人对道德痛苦的记忆更为广泛(占所有母亲的71%)。疼痛的定义是负面的(62%):疼痛被视为对健康的威胁或对人身自由的限制。相反,儿童中有67%的情况是通过寻找父母并寻求帮助来解决的。 33%的人仅处理疼痛。 91%的因痛苦而难过的母亲生下了孩子,孩子生病后表现出同样的行为。在南部,由于孩子的病情,家庭关系主要保持不变(68%),而在意大利中部,这种关系更容易改善。对于母亲而言,痛苦是一种消极的体验。研究表明,就痛苦的处理方式而言,家庭的痛苦经历是从一代到另一代的。



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