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Effect of various levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash on the yield of French Bean




The experiment was conducted at the farm of Agricultural Research Station, Baffa (Mansehra) during August 2006 to monitor the effect of various levels of fertilizer treatments on plant height, number of branches plant-1, pod length, pod weight and pod yield of French bean variety (Paulista). The experimental results revealed that all the fertilizer treatments increased the plant height, number of branches plant-1, pod length, pod weight and pod yield of French bean significantly over control treatment. Maximum plant height (39.03 cm), number of branches plant-1(18.25), pod length (14.10 cm), pod weight (5.37 gm) and pod yield (8.26 t ha-1) were recorded in the treatments receiving 120 kg N, 90 kg P2O5 and 90 kg K2O ha-1. The economics of fertilizers were also worked out on the basis of current market prices and it was found that use of fertilizer was profitable. The cost benefit ratio ranged between 4.90 and 6.05.
机译:该实验于2006年8月在Baffa(Mansehra)的农业研究站的农场中进行,以监测不同水平的肥料处理对法国薯苗的株高,枝条1的数量,荚果长度,荚果重量和荚果产量的影响。豆品种(保利斯塔)。实验结果表明,与对照相比,所有肥料处理均显着提高了菜豆的株高,枝条数,荚果长度,荚果重量和荚果产量。在接受120 kg N的处理中记录最大植株高(39.03 cm),分支植物1的数量(18.25),荚果长度(14.10 cm),荚果重量(5.37 gm)和荚果产量(8.26 t ha-1)。 ,90千克P2O5和90千克K2O ha-1。还根据当前的市场价格确定了肥料的经济学,发现使用肥料是有利可图的。成本效益比在4.90至6.05之间。



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