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Orchestrating Communities, Ubiquities, Time and Space: International Experiences in the Use of Educational Technology




In this brief introduction we frame the special issue on “Orchestrating communities, ubicuity, time and space: International experiences in the use of educational technology.“ It constitutes the result of the “International experiences in the use of Educational Technology” panel session celebrated within the XXI University Conference on Educational Technology (XXI Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa) (JUTE) in Valladolid, Spain in 2013. Every article has gone through a double-blind peer review process with the aim of ensuring not only the quality of the issue but also the adaptation of the initial presentations given in the aforementioned panel session to the rules of scientific publications. This issue brings together five of the works presented in the panel to address a number of relevant challenges in the field of Educational Technology. The topics accomplished by the articles spin around the (mis-)uses of technology in the national accreditation process of teachers in the United States; the tensions derived from the use, re-use and sharing of Open Educational Resources (OER′s) in Europe; an interpretive proposal to orchestrate the evaluation of complex technology-enhanced learning settings, and finally; a experience in the collective generation of documentaries at the Galiano Islands (Canada).
机译:在本简介中,我们将围绕“协调社区,无处不在,时间和空间:教育技术使用的国际经验”这一特殊问题进行框架设计。 2013年在西班牙巴利亚多利德举行的第二十一届教育技术大学会议(XUT Jornadas Universitarias deTecnologíaEducativa)(JUTE)。每篇文章都经过了双盲同行评审过程,目的是不仅确保问题的质量,而且确保还调整了上述小组会议中的初步介绍以适应科学出版物的规则。本期汇集了小组讨论中提出的五项作品,以应对教育技术领域的许多相关挑战。文章完成的主题围绕美国教师的国家认证过程中技术的(滥用)使用;在欧洲使用,重复使用和共享开放教育资源(OER)产生的紧张关系;一项解释性建议,以安排对复杂技术增强的学习环境的评估,最后;在加利亚诺群岛(加拿大)集体制作纪录片方面的经验。



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