首页> 外文期刊>Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archives >Paparan asap rokok dan higiene diri merupakan faktor risiko lesi prakanker leher rahim di Kota Denpasar tahun 2012

Paparan asap rokok dan higiene diri merupakan faktor risiko lesi prakanker leher rahim di Kota Denpasar tahun 2012




The prevalence of cervical cancer in Bali continues to rise (43/100.000 and in the Denpasar City is 25/100.000 in 2010). The cervical pre-cancer cases are greater of 184/100.000, eight times the number of cervical cancer cases. Pre-cancer lesion can be detected early using visual inspection of acetic acid. This study aims to explore the risk factors of self hygiene and exposure to cigarette smoke for the incidence of cervical pre-cancer lesions. This case-control study involved 60 cases and 60 controls taken from the referral registery during August 2010-December 2011. Study was conducted in two community health centres that offer early detection using visual inspection of acetic acid services in Denpasar. Respondents were interviewed using a modified See and Treat questionnaire. Data were analised using univariate, bivariate with chi square test and multivariate (logistic regression) in order to determine the most dominant risk factor. Respondents were aged 24-56 years, with mean of 41.76 years. The majority of respondents is high school graduated (87.5%), private sector employment (47.5%), the age of first marriage was >20-25 years (41.7%), parity was 2 (42.5%) and most (83.3%) did not have a family history of cancer. The study reveals that poor hygiene increased cervical pre-cancer lessions by 29 times [OR=29.57; 95%CI 10.51-83.17]. Out of eight indicators for personal hygiene, the frequency of sanitary pads changing has the highest risk (16.44). An exposure to cigarette smoke for >4 hours/day increases cervical pre-cancer lessions by 4 times [OR=4.75; 95%CI 2.19-10.33]. From the logistic regression analysis, personal hygiene is the most dominant risk factors. The two most significant variables in increasing risk factor for cervical precancer lesions were exposure to cigarette smoke and personal hygiene. Further attention must be paid to personal hygiene including regularity and choice of sanitary pads.
机译:巴厘岛的宫颈癌患病率持续上升(2010年为43 / 100.000,登巴萨市为25 / 100.000)。宫颈癌前病例为184 / 100.000,是宫颈癌病例数的八倍。癌前病变可通过目视检查乙酸及早发现。这项研究旨在探讨宫颈癌前病变发生率的自我卫生和接触香烟烟雾的危险因素。这项病例对照研究涉及2010年8月至2011年12月期间从转诊登记处取得的60例病例和60例对照。该研究在两个社区卫生中心进行,该中心通过目视检查登巴萨的醋酸服务来提供早期发现。使用经过修改的“看待和对待”问卷对受访者进行访谈。使用单变量,双变量卡方检验和多变量(逻辑回归)对数据进行分析,以确定最主要的危险因素。受访者年龄为24-56岁,平均年龄为41.76岁。大部分受访者是高中毕业(87.5%),私营部门就业(47.5%),初婚年龄> 20-25岁(41.7%),均等是2(42.5%)和大多数(83.3%)没有癌症家族史。研究表明,不良的卫生状况使宫颈癌前病变增加了29倍[OR = 29.57; 95%CI 10.51-83.17]。在个人卫生的八项指标中,卫生巾更换频率最高(16.44)。每天> 4小时的吸烟时间会使子宫颈癌前病变减少4倍[OR = 4.75; 95%CI 2.19-10.33]。从逻辑回归分析来看,个人卫生是最主要的危险因素。增加宫颈癌前病变危险因素的两个最重要的变量是接触香烟烟雾和个人卫生。必须进一步注意个人卫生,包括规律性和卫生巾的选择。



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