首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences >Etude de l'impact des barrages sur la réduction des transports sédimentaires jusqu'à la mer par approche paléohydrologique dans la basse vallée de la Medjerda

Etude de l'impact des barrages sur la réduction des transports sédimentaires jusqu'à la mer par approche paléohydrologique dans la basse vallée de la Medjerda




The sedimentary contributions of the Medjerda to the coastal zone are poorly measured, and there is no chronicle of observations. In this context, the sediment monitoring appears indispensable for the quantification of sediment transport at the outlet. This study focuses on the largest watershed in Tunisia, the Wadi Medjerda (23?600?km sup2/sup) . The main objective of this work is to assess the reduction of sediment transport following anthropogenic intensification on the basin, especially since the construction of many large dams. In order to collect information on actual deposits over several?years, the paleo-hydrological approach was applied through the study of sediment cores sampled in the low valley meanders on alluvial terraces, after the last dam (Sidi Salem, the largest water storage capacity over the basin), but before the estuary to avoid marine influence and near a hydrological station (Jdaida). The sedimentary deposits of the river provide key information on the past sedimentary inputs. A visible succession of sedimentary layers corresponding to the deposits of successive floods on the study site has been determined and the history of the sedimentary contributions of the Medjerda is reconstructed by this approach. The thickest layers of sedimentary deposits are related to exceptional events. They are mainly concentrated on the lower part of the core and are mainly composed of sands. The first 1.2?m of the core from the bottom upward relates to 10?years of river discharges, as can be determined from the sup137/sup Cs?datation. The next upward 1.05?m of core relates to the following 20?years of discharges, up to 1981, date of the construction of the Sidi Salem dam, and is composed of a mix of sand, silts and clays. The last 75?cm of core near the surface is only composed of clays with thin silt bands, and relates to a period of 32?years. We thus observe that there is no more sand deposits in the river bed since the construction of the Sidi Salem dam. The deficit of sediment supply to the sea is viewed as a major factor to be taken into account for better understanding of the dynamics of coastal areas in the context of global climate change.
机译:梅杰尔达对沿海地区的沉积作用测得很差,也没有年代记述。在这种情况下,对于定量确定出口处的泥沙输送情况,必须进行泥沙监测。这项研究的重点是突尼斯最大的流域Wadi Medjerda(23?600?km 2 )。这项工作的主要目的是评估人为加剧后流域内泥沙输送量的减少情况,特别是由于建造了许多大坝以来。为了收集过去几年的实际沉积物信息,通过研究在最后一个水坝(西迪·塞勒姆(Sidi Salem)水库中最大的蓄水能力)之后在冲积阶地低谷河曲上采样的沉积物芯,采用了古水文方法。盆地),但在河口之前,以避免受到海洋影响,且在水文站附近(Jdaida)。河流的沉积物提供了有关过去沉积物输入的关键信息。已经确定了与研究地点连续洪水的沉积物相对应的沉积层的可见序列,并通过这种方法重建了梅杰达的沉积贡献的历史。沉积物最厚的层与异常事件有关。它们主要集中在岩心的下部,主要由沙子组成。从 137 Cs?数据可以确定,自下而上的岩心的前1.2?m与10年的河流流量有关。下一个向上的1.05?m的岩心涉及到接下来的20?年的排水,直到1981年Sidi Salem大坝的建造日期为止,并且由沙子,淤泥和粘土组成。地表附近最后75?cm的岩心仅由带细粉砂带的粘土组成,为期32?年。因此,我们观察到自Sidi Salem大坝建设以来,河床中没有更多的沙子沉积物。被认为是海洋沉积物供应不足的一个主要因素,是在全球气候变化背景下更好地了解沿海地区动态的主要考虑因素。



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