首页> 外文期刊>Physics letters >Confronting fluctuations of conserved charges in central nuclear collisions at the LHC with predictions from Lattice QCD

Confronting fluctuations of conserved charges in central nuclear collisions at the LHC with predictions from Lattice QCD




We construct net baryon number and strangeness susceptibilities as well as correlations between electric charge, strangeness and baryon number from experimental data at midrapidity of the ALICE Collaboration at CERN. The data were taken in central Pb–Pb collisions at s NN = 2.76 TeV and cover one unit of rapidity. The resulting fluctuations and correlations are consistent with Lattice QCD results at the chiral crossover pseudocritical temperature T c ? 155 MeV . This agreement lends strong support to the assumption that the fireball created in these collisions is of thermal origin and exhibits characteristic properties expected in QCD at the transition from the quark gluon plasma to the hadronic phase. The volume of the fireball for one unit of rapidity at T c is found to exceed 3000 fm 3 . A detailed discussion on uncertainties in the temperature and volume of the fireball is presented. The results are linked to pion interferometry measurements and predictions from percolation theory.
机译:我们根据欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)ALICE协作中速的实验数据,构建了净重子数和奇数敏感性以及电荷,奇数和重子数之间的相关性。数据是在s NN = 2.76 TeV的中心Pb–Pb碰撞中获取的,覆盖了一个单位的速度。所得的波动和相关性与在手性交叉假临界温度T c≥Lattice QCD下的结果一致。 155 MeV。该协议为以下假设提供了有力的支持:在这些碰撞中产生的火球是热起源的,并且表现出在从夸克胶子等离子体到强子相转变的QCD中预期的特征。发现在T c时一单位速度的火球体积超过3000 fm 3。提出了有关火球温度和体积不确定性的详细讨论。结果与介子干涉测量和渗滤理论预测有关。



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