首页> 外文期刊>Parasites Vectors >Molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens in canine population and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ( sensu lato ) ticks from southern Metro Manila and Laguna, Philippines

Molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens in canine population and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ( sensu lato ) ticks from southern Metro Manila and Laguna, Philippines

机译:菲律宾南部马尼拉大都会和拉古纳的犬科动物种群和Rhipicephalus sanguineus(sensu lato)壁虱的tick传播病原体的分子检测



Abstract BackgroundThe tropical climate of the Philippines and the high population of dogs, particularly in cities, favors the life-cycle of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus ( sensu lato ), a vector of several canine tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) including zoonotic Rickettsia spp. Suspected cases of infections are commonly encountered in veterinary clinics, but the specific TBPs are rarely identified. Furthermore, infection with Rickettsia is not being clinically examined in dogs. In this study, the occurrence of TBPs in blood and ticks collected from household and impounded dogs in highly populated areas of the Philippines, Metro Manila, and the nearby province of Laguna, was examined.ResultsA total of 248 blood samples and 157 tick samples were subjected to PCR. First, samples were screened using primers for Anaplasma / Ehrlichia spp. and Babesia / Hepatozoon spp. Those that turned positive were further subjected to species-specific PCR. Rickettsia spp. were also detected through a nested PCR. Of the 248 blood samples, 56 (22.6%) were positive for Anaplasma / Ehrlichia spp., while 19 (7.6%) were positive for Babesia / Hepatozoon spp. Species-specific PCR revealed that 61 (23.4%) had a single TBP, with Ehrlichia canis being detected in 39 (15.7%) dogs, while 14 (5.6%) dogs were positive for different combinations of two to four TBPs. Rickettsia infection was detected in 6 (2.4%) dogs. In tick samples, 8 (3.2%) were positive for Ehrlichia / Anaplasma spp., while only 1 (0.63%) was positive for Babesia / Hepatozoon spp. As in the blood samples, E. canis was the most detected, being found in 5 (2%) samples. No tick samples tested positive for Rickettsia spp.Conclusion Ehrlichia canis is the most common TBP affecting dogs in the Philippines. Co-infection with TBPs is quite common, hence testing for multiple TBPs is necessary. Through nested PCR, Rickettsia infection was detected in dogs, and to the authors’ knowledge, this study provides the first molecular evidence of Rickettsia infection in dogs in the Philippines.
机译:菲律宾的热带气候和大量的狗,特别是在城市中的狗,有利于棕色狗brown的生命周期.Rhipicephalus sanguineus(sensu lato)是几种犬tick传播病原体(TBP)的载体,包括人畜共患病立克次体兽医诊所通常会遇到可疑的感染病例,但是很少确定具体的TBP。此外,尚未在犬中临床检查立克次体感染。在这项研究中,检查了菲律宾,马尼拉大都会和附近的拉古纳省人口稠密地区从家犬和圈养狗中采集的血液和壁虱中TBP的发生情况,结果共采集了248个血液样本和157​​个壁虱样本进行PCR。首先,使用无性/埃里希氏菌属的引物筛选样品。和巴贝斯虫/ Hepatozoon spp。那些转为阳性的人进一步进行种特异性PCR。立克次体也通过巢式PCR检测到。在248个血液样本中,有56个(22.6%)的血浆/衣原体呈阳性,而19个(7.6%)的巴贝虫/肝性肝炎呈阳性。物种特异性PCR显示61个(23.4%)具有单个TBP,其中39只(15.7%)的狗中检出犬埃里希氏体,而14种(5.6%)的狗对2至4种TBP的不同组合呈阳性。在6(2.4%)只狗中发现了立克次体感染。在壁虱样本中,埃里希氏菌/无形体属呈阳性的为8(3.2%),而巴贝虫/肝菌属呈阳性的仅为1(0.63%)。与血液样本中一样,犬埃希菌的检出率最高,在5个样本中(2%)被发现。没有壁虱样本的立克次体属检测呈阳性。结论埃里希氏犬是菲律宾最常见的TBP感染犬。与TBP共同感染是很常见的,因此必须测试多个TBP。通过巢式PCR,在狗中发现了立克次体感染,据作者所知,这项研究提供了菲律宾狗中立克次体感染的第一个分子证据。



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