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Influence of introduced vs. native parasites on the body condition of migrant silver eels




Because parasitism is among the reasons invoked to explain the collapse of Anguilla anguilla, we evaluated the parasitic constraint on body condition (BC) of migrant silver eels as a proxy of fitness with inter-site comparisons. Metazoan parasites were studied in 149 silver eels from five sites (northern Europe). In total, 89% were infected by 13 species including Myxozoa, Monogenea, Cestoda, Nematoda, and Acanthocephala. Anguillicoloides crassus was most common (56%), then Acanthocephalus clavula (30%), and Pseudodactylogyrus sp. (17%). BC, calculated for 58 females, was negatively correlated by abundance of the introduced Pseudodactylogyrus sp. but not by other parasite taxa. Nevertheless, the introduced A. crassus was considered as a severe pathogen based on previous data, whereas the native A. clavula was supposed to have limited impact. Parasite component communities and BC were different between sites. Silver eels from Stockholm Archipelago (Sweden) were the least parasitized (40% vs. 90–95% for other sites) with no parasites on the gills. Burrishoole (Ireland) differed by the absence of A. crassus and high prevalence of A. clavula (84%) but without consequences on BC. Gudenaa (Denmark), Corrib (Ireland), and Frémur (France) were close due to high prevalence of A. crassus (89–93%). Gudenaa and Corrib were the most similar because Pseudodactylogyrus sp. was also highly prevalent (respectively 71% and 60%) whereas absent in Frémur. Our results suggest that the fitness loss induced by the introduced parasites could affect the spawning success of migrant silver eels from Gudenaa and Corrib, and to a lesser extent from Frémur, but probably not those from Stockholm Archipelago and Burrishoole.
机译:因为寄生虫是用来解释安圭拉鳗鱼倒塌的原因之一,所以我们评估了迁徙银鳗对身体状况(BC)的寄生约束,以作为站点间比较的适合指标。在五个地点(欧洲北部)的149个鳗鱼中研究了后生寄生虫。共有89%的人被Myxozoa,Monogenea,Cestoda,Nematoda和Acanthocephala等13种物种感染。缝制的Anguillicoloides最为常见(56%),其次是棒状棘头棘皮(30%)和Pseudodactylogyrusrus sp。 (17 %)。 BC,计算为58的女性,与所引入的拟杆菌属sp的含量呈负相关。但其他寄生虫类群除外。尽管如此,根据以前的数据,引入的crassus crassus被认为是一种严重的病原体,而天然的A. clavula的影响有限。站点之间的寄生虫成分群落和BC有所不同。斯德哥尔摩群岛(瑞典)的银鳗寄生率最低(40%,其他场所为90-95%),with上没有寄生虫。 Burrishoole(爱尔兰)的区别在于不存在crassus曲霉和C. lalavula的患病率很高(84%),但对BC没有影响。由于克雷索菌的高流行(89-93%),Gudenaa(丹麦),Corrib(爱尔兰)和Frémur(法国)接近。 Gudenaa和Corrib是最相似的,因为Pseudodactylogyrusrus sp.。弗雷莫尔(Frémur)的患病率也很高(分别为71%和60%)。我们的结果表明,由引入的寄生虫引起的适应性丧失可能会影响来自Gudenaa和Corrib的迁徙银鳗的产卵成功,并在较小程度上影响来自Frémur的银鳗的产卵,但可能不会影响来自斯德哥尔摩群岛和Burrishoole的银鳗。



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