首页> 外文期刊>Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao >Notes about the feminine participation in the field of health as from the collection of rare works the Manguinhos Library at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Notes about the feminine participation in the field of health as from the collection of rare works the Manguinhos Library at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

机译:奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹基金会(Oswaldo Cruz Foundation)的Manguinhos图书馆藏有一些珍贵的作品,其中涉及女性在健康领域的参与



This article aims to discuss feminine participation in the field of health as from the collection of rare works at the Icict/Fiocruz Manguinhos Library, with the innaugural theses being the first step to plot this path. There are still rare analyses which render account on the use and impact of the theses as source of information for research. Moreover, little is discussed on the descriptive elements of such theses and their bibliographic and bibliological features as rare works, which bear implications upon their description and organization to make them available. This is the discussion carried out here, in the assumption that it be possible to start the description of a feminine path in the field of health sciences as from the digitalization of the material identified , as well as making it available to the scientific community , by means of the Fiocruz Institutional Repository , the ARCA.
机译:本文旨在从Icict / Fiocruz Manguinhos图书馆的稀有作品集中讨论女性在健康领域的参与,而有关鼻概的第一步就是摸索出这条道路。仍然很少有分析能够说明这些论文作为研究信息来源的用途和影响。此外,对于这些论文的描述性要素及其作为稀有作品的书目和书目特征的讨论很少,这对它们的描述和组织方式产生了影响。这是在这里进行的讨论,假设可以通过以下方式开始描述健康科学领域的女性道路,即从所确定的材料进行数字化,然后通过以下方式将其提供给科学界: Fiocruz机构存储库(ARCA)的工具。



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