首页> 外文期刊>Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases >Grip strength is potentially an early indicator of age-related decline in mice

Grip strength is potentially an early indicator of age-related decline in mice




The hand grip test has been correlated with mobility and physical performance in older people and has been shown to be a long-term predictor of mortality. Implementation of new strategies for enhancing healthy aging and maintaining independent living are dependent on predictable preclinical studies. The mouse is used extensively as a model in these types of studies, and the paw grip strength test is similar to the hand grip test for people in that it assesses the ability to grip a device with the paw, is non-invasive and easy to perform, and provides reproducible information. However, little has been reported on how grip strength declines with increasing age in mice. This report shows that grip strength was decreased in C57BL/6 (B6) NIA and C57BL/6×BALB/c F1 (CB6F1) NIA male mice at 12 months of age compared to 8-month-old mice, and continued a robust decline to 20 months and then 28 months of age, when the study was terminated. The decline was not related to lean muscle mass, but extensive age-related carpal and digital exostosis could help explain the decreased grip strength times with increasing age. In conclusion, the grip strength test could be useful in mouse preclinical studies to help make translational predictions on treatment strategies to enhance healthy aging.
机译:握力测试已与老年人的活动能力和身体表现相关,并已被证明是死亡率的长期预测指标。实施新的策略以增强健康的衰老和维持独立生活取决于可预测的临床前研究。在这些类型的研究中,鼠标被广泛用作模型,手掌抓地力测试与人的手抓地力测试类似,因为它评估了用脚掌抓握设备的能力,无创且易于操作。执行并提供可复制的信息。然而,关于小鼠的抓地力如何随着年龄增长而下降的报道很少。该报告显示,与8个月大的小鼠相比,C57BL / 6(B6)NIA和C57BL / 6×BALB / c F1(CB6F1)NIA雄性小鼠的握力在12个月大时有所下降,并且持续强劲下降到研究终止时分别为20个月和28个月大。下降与瘦肌肉质量无关,但是与年龄相关的广泛腕骨和指骨外生可帮助解释随着年龄的增长而减少的握力时间。总之,握力测试可能在小鼠临床前研究中很有用,有助于对增强健康衰老的治疗策略做出预测。



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