首页> 外文期刊>Patient Safety in Surgery >Trends in intubation rates and durations in ventilated severely injured trauma patients: an analysis from the TraumaRegister DGU?

Trends in intubation rates and durations in ventilated severely injured trauma patients: an analysis from the TraumaRegister DGU?

机译:通气严重受伤的创伤患者的插管率和持续时间趋势:来自TraumaRegister DGU的分析?



Background Endotracheal intubation in severely injured patients is known to be a risk factor for systemic complications. We aimed to examine the changes in intubation rates and durations in severely injured trauma patients, and rates of the systemic complications associated with ventilation changes by using a large trauma registry over the period of 13?years. Methods Patient demographics, Injury Severity Score (ISS), ventilation days, ventilation free days (VFD), and prevalence of systemic complications (sepsis and multiple organ failure (MOF)) were obtained from the TraumaRegister DGU? and were compared over the study period. Results During the study period (2002 – 2014), 35,232 patients were recorded in TraumaRegister DGU?. 72.7?% of patients ( n =?25,629) were intubated, and 27.3?% ( n =?9603) of patients did not require mechanical ventilation throughout their hospital stay. The mean age was 48?±?21?years, mean ISS was 27.9?±?11.5, mean length of ICU stay was 11.7?±?13.8?days, mean time on mechanical ventilator was 7.1?±?11.3?days, and mean ventilation free days (spontaneous respiration) was 19.5?±?11.9?days. We observed a reduction in the intubation rates (87.5?% in 2002 versus 63.6?% in 2014), and early extubation (10 ventilation days in 2002, and 5.9?days in 2014) over time. Conclusion Our study reveals a reduction in intubation rates and ventilation duration during the observation period. Moreover, we were able to observe decreased incidence of systemic complications such as sepsis over the 13?year study period, while no changes in incidence of MOF were registered. The exact relationship can not be proven in our study. This needs to be addressed in further analysis.
机译:背景技术已知严重受伤患者的气管插管是全身并发症的危险因素。我们的目的是通过使用大型创伤登记系统,在13年的时间里检查严重受伤的创伤患者的插管率和持续时间的变化,以及与通气变化相关的全身并发症的发生率。方法从TraumaRegister DGU获得患者的人口统计学资料,损伤严重程度评分(ISS),通气天数,无通气天数(VFD)和全身并发症的发生率(败血症和多器官衰竭(MOF))。并在研究期间进行了比较。结果在研究期间(2002年至2014年),在TraumaRegister DGU?中记录了35,232例患者。 72.7%(n = 25,629)的患者被插管,27.3%(n = 9603)的患者在整个住院期间不需要机械通气。平均年龄为48±21岁,平均ISS为27.9±11.5岁,平均ICU住院天数为11.7±13.8天,使用机械呼吸机的平均时间为7.1±11.3天。平均无呼吸天数(自发呼吸)为19.5±11.9天。我们观察到,随着时间的流逝,插管率(2002年为87.5%,2014年为63.6%)有所下降,早期拔管(2002年为10天通气,2014年为5.9天)降低。结论我们的研究表明在观察期内插管率和通气时间减少了。此外,在13年的研究期间,我们能够观察到系统性并发症(如败血症)的发生率降低,而MOF的发生率未见变化。我们的研究无法证明确切的关系。这需要在进一步分析中解决。



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