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L'autoapprendimento multimediale del russo per principianti: Kraski




Multimedia self-study of the Russian language at beginners' level: Kraski Kraski was developed at the Interfaculty Language Centre of Forlì (University of Bologna) and is intended for use for self-study of the Russian language in an academic context. The Interfaculty Language Centre in Forlì decided not to use a ready-made software for the realization of this project but, instead, designed software which takes into account not only the language-learning aims but also the needs of the user. Kraski is divided into four topic units which become increasingly more difficult as regards linguistic ability and communicative competence. Each unit presents three situations through the use of a video clip, each of these is followed by six exercises designed to consolidate vocabulary and morphological knowledge. In most of the exercises, the user is helped by the use of the grammar cards: as the course is designed to improve communicative competence, the grammar explanations are given solely as an aid to the learner within the context of the course and are presented schematically. If an exercise includes unknown vocabulary then a hypertext link allows the user to consult a multimedia vocabulary card which includes images and sounds. At the end of every topic unit, we find the section Talking about . which contains different speaking activities which act as a sort of self-evaluation of the progress made and help to improve communicative ability. The self-study user is also helped by the presence of several aids which can be consulted at any time: Cyrillic Alphabet, The Sounds, Grammar Cards, Vocabulary Cards, Dictionary.
机译:初学者使用俄语进行多媒体自学:Kraski Kraski是在佛洛大学间语言中心(博洛尼亚大学)开发的,旨在在学术环境中用于俄语自学。 Forlì的大学间语言中心决定不使用现成的软件来实现该项目,而是设计不仅考虑语言学习目标而且考虑用户需求的软件。 Kraski分为四个主题单元,这些单元在语言能力和交际能力方面变得越来越困难。每个单元通过使用视频剪辑呈现三种情况,每种情况之后都是旨在巩固词汇和形态学知识的六个练习。在大多数练习中,语法卡的使用为用户提供了帮助:由于该课程旨在提高沟通能力,因此语法说明仅作为课程上下文中对学习者的一种帮助而给出。如果练习包含未知词汇,则超文本链接允许用户查阅包含图像和声音的多媒体词汇卡。在每个主题单元的末尾,都有“正在讨论”部分。其中包含不同的演讲活动,这些活动可以作为对所取得进展的自我评估,并有助于提高交流能力。自学用户还可以通过随时查看的几种辅助工具获得帮助:西里尔字母,声音,语法卡片,词汇卡片,字典。



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