首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >L'evoluzione del russo attuale e la prassi glottodidattica

L'evoluzione del russo attuale e la prassi glottodidattica




The Evolution of Contemporary Russian and the Practice of Language Teaching The present article describes internal and external linguistic factors which determine the evolution of the Russian language since 1985. Together with the post-perestrojka political, economic, and social-historical .New Trend., which caused a “spiritual earthquake” and inaugurated new Russian social values reflected in lexical-semantic processes, we can observe that Russian is drawing closer to the so-called Standard Average European. Russian is approaching this model not only in the lexicon, but in the emphasizing of spoken language, as well as in the dialogical principle and the individual stylistic dynamism. In the phonological and morphosyntactic systems we observe a simplification and regularization of nominal and verbal flection and a gradual increase of analytic elements. Some conclusive remarks underline the didactic efficacy of a .historical. explanation of the ongoing processes in the evolution of contemporary Russian language.



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