首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Schl?zer and Karamzin. Struggle for Priority in Studying Russian Chronicles

Schl?zer and Karamzin. Struggle for Priority in Studying Russian Chronicles




In the 18th and 19th centuries, new knowledge about the history of ancient Rus’ was acquired by the introduction of new written sources, primarily narrative sources, into academic circulation. The ancient Russian chronicles were most significant in this respect. Each historian sought precedence for his own discovery and study of a previously unknown ancient record. This explains misconceptions about the role of some scholars as pioneers in studying Russian chronicles. In some cases, these misconceptions persist to our time. The article studies the history of the discovery by Nikolaj M. Karamzin of the Hypatian (Academic) and the Chlebnikov Copies of the Hypatian Chronicle. It is established that Karamzin found the information about the Hypatian Copy in a little-known Latin description of the manuscript published in G?ttingen in 1768. This description leads us to the conclusion that the first to discover the chronicle was not Karamzin (as it is still customarily thought) but August L. Schl?zer and his students. Karamzin was the third to find the Hypatian Codex but the first to understand its true significance.
机译:在18和19世纪,通过将新的书面资料(主要是叙事资料)引入学术界,获得了有关古代鲁斯历史的新知识。在这方面,古代俄罗斯编年史最为重要。每位历史学家都为自己发现和研究以前未知的古代记录寻求先例。这解释了对一些学者作为研究俄罗斯编年史的先驱角色的误解。在某些情况下,这些误解一直持续到我们的时代。这篇文章研究了Hypatian(学术界)的Nikolaj M. Karamzin和Hypatian Chronicle的Chlebnikov副本的发现历史。可以确定的是,卡拉姆津在1768年G?ttingen出版的手稿的一个鲜为人知的拉丁语描述中找到了有关Hypatian副本的信息。这种描述使我们得出这样的结论,即第一个发现该编年史的人不是卡拉姆津(因为还是习惯上认为的),但August L. Schl?zer和他的学生们。 Karamzin是第三个发现Hypatian Codex的人,但第一个了解其真正意义的人。



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