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Scripts and Politics in the USSR




No country in the world has changed its language policy – including the choice of alphabet – as frequently as the Soviet Union did. There were three main periods of alphabet change: the 1920s; the second part of the 1930s; and the last years of the USSR. The revolution set new goals – it expressed the need to transfer official communication from Russian into the languages of ethnic minorities, to create middle and higher education in them and so on. However, many languages were unwritten; the existing scripts of some other languages (traditional Arabic or Mongolian) were considered unacceptable. It was necessary to create new alphabets. After some hesitation, the Latin script was chosen as predominant in the world. More than 80 alphabets were constructed in the 1920s and '30s. However from 1935 to 1938 it was decided that all Soviet languages using the Latin alphabet would adopt Cyrillic. This Cyrillisation was completed in 1941, before the beginning of the war. The official slogans remained the same, but the spread of Russian and the Cyrillic script became a main task of Soviet language policy. This situation did not change until the 1980s when national movements in the USSR spoke out against Russian and the use of the Cyrillic script. After the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 and the formation of new states, the problem of alphabet choice became urgent. Latinisation was accomplished in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Moldavia; it is planned in Kazakhstan and Kyrghyzstan. Some proposals to Latinise Russian have no practical significance.
机译:世界上没有哪个国家像苏联那样频繁地改变其语言政策(包括字母的选择)。有三个主要的字母变化时期:1920年代; 19世纪。 1930年代的第二部分;和苏联的最后几年。革命设定了新的目标-表示有必要将俄文的正式交流转换为少数民族的语言,并在其中创建中等和高等教育。但是,许多语言是不成文的。现有的一些其他语言(传统的阿拉伯语或蒙古语)文字被认为是不可接受的。有必要创建新的字母。经过一番犹豫,拉丁文字被选为世界上最流行的文字。在1920年代和30年代建造了80多个字母。但是从1935年到1938年,人们决定所有使用拉丁字母的苏联语言都将使用西里尔字母。这场西里尔化战于1941年战争开始之前完成。官方口号保持不变,但是俄语和西里尔字母的传播成为苏联语言政策的主要任务。直到1980年代苏联民族运动反对俄罗斯和使用西里尔字母书写时,这种情况才改变。 1991年苏联解体并建立了新的州后,字母选择问题就变得迫在眉睫。在阿塞拜疆,乌兹别克斯坦,土库曼斯坦和摩尔多瓦完成了拉丁化;它计划在哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦使用。将俄语拉丁化的一些建议没有实际意义。



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