首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Revolution, or Madness in the Guise of Truth

Revolution, or Madness in the Guise of Truth




In his article, Vladimir Kantor examines the mental causes of the Russian revolution of 1917. He analyses, as a matter of fact, the pan-European problem – the darkening of the Christian mind, and how, during social upheavals, elements that despise the mind awake and universal madness is born. The author shows how suicidal moods awake in the masses, leading to social disasters. In such epochs, historical experience is forgotten, and, like zombies, the crowd follows its leaders to the abyss, like in the paintings of Brueghel created on the eve of the Netherlands revolution: Mad Greta, Triumph of Death or Parable of the Blind. So it happened in Russia, and then it took at least a century to get out of the chaos of insanity and return to history.
机译:弗拉基米尔·坎托(Vladimir Kantor)在他的文章中考察了1917年俄国革命的精神根源。事实上,他分析了泛欧洲问题–基督教思想的黑暗,以及在社会动荡期间如何鄙视那些头脑清醒,普遍的疯狂诞生了。作者展示了自杀意识在群众中是如何醒来的,从而导致了社会灾难。在这样的时代里,人们忘记了历史经验,就像僵尸一样,人群跟随领导者走入深渊,就像荷兰革命前夕勃鲁盖尔的画作一样:疯狂的格蕾塔,死亡的胜利或盲目的寓言。因此,这发生在俄罗斯,然后至少花了一个世纪的时间才摆脱了精神错乱的混乱并重返历史。



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