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Righting the Writing. The Power Dynamic of Soviet Ukraine Language Policies and Reforms in the 1920s-1930s

机译:纠正写作。 1920年代至1930年代苏联乌克兰语言政策和改革的力量动态



The first post-revolutionary decades became decisive for the development of the Ukrainian language, national culture and identity. The Ukrainian language, previously subject to a number of bans, finally entered the stage of intensive status and corpus planning. Thanks to this, it became a decisive factor in the rivalry between different forms of statehood vying on the Ukrainian territory after 1917. At the same time, the status upgrade and broader public use called for the standardisation of the language. The first practical steps towards the unification of different orthographic traditions were undertaken from 1918 to 1921. The turbulence of civil war, however, determined the failure of comprehensive language reform. Calls for linguistic unification gained new force in the second half of the 1920s: with the introduction of Ukrainizacija, the local variant of the all-Union nationalities policy of korenizacija introduced in 1923, the Ukrainian language was acknowledged as the means to the republic’s Sovietisation. This was part and parcel of the Soviet “affirmative action empire” (Terry Martin) which had to contain the 1917-1921 rise of nationalism of the empire’s minorities. Locally, the elites had to negotiate their own interests and the centre’s demands. How exactly do the debates on the “correct” codification of the language and the actual steps towards different ideals reflect the changing power dynamic between the centre and the republics in the interbellum USSR? This is the problem this study sets out to tackle using the example of Soviet Ukraine.The paper explores the link between language and politics in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s. While examining the political preconditions for the language policies in Ukraine, significant attention will also be devoted to the specifics of the 1928 spelling reform and its reception by the general public in Ukraine and abroad. In general, it will be argued that in the Soviet Union language was often used as a tool of political consolidation, and the power struggle between different visions of the future of the republics can be seen in debates and reforms of language. Hence, the correlation between Soviet language policies and the subsequent Sovietisation (or Russification) will be highlighted.The subsequent debates around the status of the Ukrainian language, its orthography and vocabulary, exposed the unbridgeable differences between the political elites in the republic and central powers in Moscow. The draft of the new orthography was thoroughly discussed by academics and linguists, representing different parts of Ukraine and the final draft was publicly discussed republic-wide. The spelling reform, adopted in 1929, can rightly be regarded as one of the greatest achievements of Ukrainizatsiia. This newly-acquired status was significantly challenged by the centralisation drive of the Moscow party leadership. This orthography, widely known as ‘skrypnykivka’ (after the then Commissar for Education Mykola Skrypnyk) or ‘Charkiv orthography’ was attacked for its attempts to dissociate the Ukrainian language from Russian and ‘westernise’ the language. After 1933, the main principles of the spelling reform were labelled ‘nationalistic’. The reform was quickly abandoned. Furthermore, after 1937, all the corpus planning attempts were geared towards ‘purifying’ the Ukrainian language from foreign influence, when Russian equivalents and cognates were introduced or prioritised.
机译:革命后的第一个几十年对乌克兰语言,民族文化和特性的发展起了决定性作用。乌克兰语以前曾受到一些禁令的限制,但最终进入了强化状态和语料库计划的阶段。因此,它成为1917年后在乌克兰领土上争夺不同形式的国家制之间竞争的决定性因素。与此同时,地位的提高和更广泛的公众使用要求该语言的标准化。 1918年至1921年,为统一不同的拼字法传统迈出了第一步。然而,内战的动荡决定了全面语言改革的失败。要求语言统一的呼声在1920年代下半叶得到了新的推动:随着乌克兰(Ukrainizacija)的推出,这是1923年实行的朝鲜民族联盟(Korenizacija)的全盟民族政策的局部变种,乌克兰语言被公认为是共和国苏维埃的手段。这是苏联“平权行动帝国”(特里·马丁)的重要组成部分,后者必须遏制1917-1921年该帝国少数民族的民族主义兴起。在当地,精英们必须协商自己的利益和中心的要求。关于语言的“正确”编纂的辩论以及朝着不同理想的实际迈进的辩论如何准确地反映了苏联内部和各共和国之间的权力变化动态?这是本研究以苏维埃乌克兰为例要解决的问题。本文探讨了1920年代和1930年代苏维埃乌克兰的语言与政治之间的联系。在研究乌克兰语言政策的政治前提时,还将特别关注1928年拼写改革的具体内容以及乌克兰和国外公众的接受。总的来说,人们会争辩说,在苏联,语言经常被用作政治巩固的工具,在对语言的辩论和改革中可以看到对共和国未来的不同看法之间的权力斗争。因此,将着重强调苏联语言政策与随后的苏联化(或俄罗斯化)之间的相关性。随后有关乌克兰语言地位,其拼字法和词汇的辩论揭示了共和国政治精英与中央大国之间不可逾越的差异。在莫斯科。代表乌克兰不同地区的学者和语言学家对新拼字法的草案进行了深入讨论,最终草案在全共和国范围内公开讨论。 1929年通过的拼写改革可以被视为乌克兰最伟大的成就之一。莫斯科政党领导层的集权化行动极大地挑战了这一新获得的地位。这种拼字法,通常被称为“ skrypnykivka”(在当时的教育委员会Mykola Skrypnyk之后)或“ Charkiv拼字法”,因为试图将乌克兰语言与俄语和“ westernise”语言分离而遭到攻击。 1933年后,拼写改革的主要原则被标记为“民族主义”。改革很快被放弃。此外,在1937年之后,所有语料库计划尝试都旨在“引入”乌克兰同等语和同语或将其优先考虑,以从国外影响中“净化”乌克兰语。



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