首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >История одного текста. Поучение об исповеди в составе виленских Полууставов XVII в.

История одного текста. Поучение об исповеди в составе виленских Полууставов XVII в.

机译:一则文字的历史。作为17世纪Vilna Semustavs一部分的供认课程。



The research presented examines the reconstruction of sources of an admonition to confession Nauka i priklady , which is found in two editions of the 17th Century Vilnius Poluustav: ca. 1637-1640 and ca. 1643-1644. A concise, written in ‘prosta mova’ text of admonition is organized a list of examples, which is designed to encourage the faithful to a more frequent, regular confession. A Polish-language collection of instructive and asthenic character Skarb duszny (Kraków 1582; 1594) served as a source of Nauka i priklady. The Polish text itself is a literal translation of Thesaurus pia-rum et Christianarum Institutionum in usum Catholicae iuventutis (Ingolstadt 1578; Dillinga 1583; 1591) composed by the Flemish Jesuit Franz Coster (1531-1619). The question of a translator from Latin into Polish, as well as of a translator from Polish into ‘prosta mova’ remains open; it is also difficult to explain why this admonition is not found in later editions of Poluustav.
机译:提出的研究考察了告白的告诫来源的重建,该告诫在17世纪的维尔纽斯Poluustav的两个版本中发现:ca。 1637-1640和约。 1643-1644。简洁明了的“ prosta mova”告诫文字中列出了一系列示例,旨在鼓励信徒更加频繁地定期认罪。波兰语集教与虚弱人物Skarb duszny(Kraków1582; 1594)为Nauka i priklady的出处。波兰语文字本身是弗拉芒语的耶稣会士弗朗兹·科斯特(1531-1619)撰写的《天主教尤文图斯语词典》(英古斯塔特1578;迪林加1583; 1591)的字面翻译。从拉丁语到波兰语的翻译以及从波兰语到“ prosta mova”翻译的问题仍然悬而未决;很难解释为什么在后来的Poluustav版本中找不到这种警告。



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