首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >“Manlier than Many Men”. Images of Female Sanctity in Simeon Polockij’s Court Sermons

“Manlier than Many Men”. Images of Female Sanctity in Simeon Polockij’s Court Sermons

机译:“比许多男人还重要”。 Simeon Polockij的法庭讲道中的女性圣洁形象



This article explores the intersection of gender, religion and politics in the construction of female sanctity in Simeon Polockij’s court sermons, in particular in those contained in the Ve?erija du?evnaja collection (‘Spiritual Supper’, 1683). My aim is to investigate the way in which Simeon rewrites enduring and dominant images of female sanctity to suit the cultural needs and expectations of his royal addressees, providing them with spiritual role models and a “trusted authority of their own sex”. In doing this, I will attempt to understand what the women saints in these homilies can tell us about the cultural construction of femininity at the Muscovite court, and what they reveal about the expectations and prescriptions placed upon royal women in the late seventeenth century.
机译:本文探讨了西缅·波洛克基(Simon Polockij)法庭讲道中的女性圣洁建构中的性别,宗教和政治交集,特别是Ve?erija du?evnaja系列(“精神晚餐”,1683年)中所包含的内容。我的目的是研究Simeon改写持久而占主导地位的女性圣洁形象的方式,以适应其皇家讲话者的文化需求和期望,为他们提供精神上的榜样和“他们自己性别的可信赖权威”。在这样做的过程中,我将试图理解这些女性中的圣人可以告诉我们关于莫斯科女性化的文化建构,以及他们对十七世纪后期对王室女性的期望和处方所揭示的内容。



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