首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Некоторые проблемы издания позднесредневековых южнославянских толковых переводов Библии

Некоторые проблемы издания позднесредневековых южнославянских толковых переводов Библии




The paper discusses problems concerning the edition of the South Slavonic version of a catena with commentaries on the Song of Songs translated from Greek. Peculiarities of the Slavonic manuscript witnesses are compared to what is known about the Greek witnesses of the catena with commentaries by Theodoret of Cyrrhus, the so-called Three Fathers, and Michael Psellus. The paper also focuses on the abridged version of the medieval Slavonic translation of the catena and its possible new edition. It asserts that the abridged version survives in full in a South Slavonic manuscript containing works attributed to Konstantin of Kostenets, a Bulgarian refugee (after the Ottoman invasion in the Bulgarian lands) at the court of Stefan Lazarevi? in Belgrade.
机译:本文讨论了有关南斯拉夫版本的连环版本的问题,并对希腊歌曲翻译的《歌曲之歌》进行了评论。斯拉夫手稿证人的特殊性与塞连斯的西奥多雷特,所谓的三父和迈克尔·普塞卢斯的评论比较了希腊的连环证人。本文还着眼于中世纪的斯拉夫语的连环翻译的精简版及其可能的新版本。它断言,删节的版本可以在南斯拉夫语手抄本中完整保留,该手稿包含在斯特凡·拉扎里维(Stefan Lazarevi)法庭上属于保加利亚难民Kostenets的康斯坦丁(在保加利亚人的奥斯曼帝国入侵后)的作品。在贝尔格莱德。




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