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The Gulag and Poetics. The Prison Objective Correlative of Julija Pany?eva

机译:古拉格与诗学。 Julija Pany?eva的监狱目标关联



The article discusses recent studies on Gulag poetry/ Lirica della ‘zona’ , particularly the ones written by Andrea Gullotta and Claudia Pieralli. It focuses on Ruki ‘Hands’, a short poem composed by Julija Pany?eva quoted by Pieralli in his works, and demonstrates its level of formal complexity. The author applies Lotman’s notion of archiseme to this poem, thoroughly examining its “semantically charged phonemes”, thus revealing its phonosymbolic dimension. This formal complexity, largely neglected until now, suggests to consider more deeply the artistic features of Gulag poetry and its testimonial-aesthetic unity. Furthermore, since Ruki was written in an isolation prison – Lefortovo – literary critics should probably consider that prison poetry can be very different from camp poetry . As Foucault pointed out in his seminal works on the penitentiary system, different kinds of repression can differently influence poets’ production. The author observes that often prison poems insist on prison realia, referring to objects and material from prison life. This recalls T.S. Eliot’s notion of objective correlative. In this specific poem, hands seem to symbolize and objectify the particular double emotion of the prisoner-poet: the emotion of an unexpected encounter with a brother-prisoner and, at the same time, the possible reminder of a previous meeting out of jail. In order to evoke a similar emotional response in the reader, Julija Pany?eva seems to create a specific prison objective correlative . At the end, the author presents an Italian translation of Pany?eva’s Ruki .
机译:本文讨论了有关古拉格(Gulag)诗歌/ Lirica della zona的最新研究,特别是Andrea Gullotta和Claudia Pieralli撰写的研究。它着重于Ruki的“手”,这是一首短诗,由朱莉娅·潘妮娃(Julija Pany?eva)创作,并被皮耶利(Pieralli)引用,并展示了其形式上的复杂性。作者将洛特曼的原型意义应用到这首诗中,彻底检查了其“带有语义的音素”,从而揭示了其语音符号的维度。这种形式上的复杂性直到现在仍被人们所忽略,这建议我们更深入地考虑古拉格诗歌的艺术特征及其见证与审美的统一。此外,由于鲁基是写在一个孤立的监狱里福(Lefortovo)里的,所以文学评论家可能应该考虑监狱诗歌与营地诗歌有很大不同。正如福柯在他关于监狱系统的开创性著作中指出的那样,不同种类的镇压可以不同地影响诗人的生产。作者观察到,监狱诗常常强调监狱真实性,指的是监狱生活中的物体和材料。这让T.S.艾略特的客观相关概念。在这首特定的诗中,双手似乎象征着囚徒诗人的双重情感,并以此来形容:与兄弟囚犯意想不到的相遇之情,同时也可能提醒人们前一次出狱。为了在读者中引起类似的情绪反应,朱莉娅·潘妮娃(Julija Pany?eva)似乎创造了一个与监狱相关的特定目标。最后,作者介绍了Pany?eva的Ruki的意大利语翻译。



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