首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >From Rome to Moscow: Sophia Palaiologina and the Greeks in Russia Between the End of the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Modern Era. About the Recent Biography of T. Matasova (Moscow 2016)

From Rome to Moscow: Sophia Palaiologina and the Greeks in Russia Between the End of the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Modern Era. About the Recent Biography of T. Matasova (Moscow 2016)

机译:从罗马到莫斯科:索菲亚·帕拉约洛基纳(Sophia Palaiologina)和希腊人在中世纪末期和现代时代开始之间。关于马塔索娃(T. Matasova)的近期传记(莫斯科,2016年)



In the popular series, ?izn’ zame?atel’nych ljudej (Lives of Famous People) was published the biography of Sophia Palaiologina, a figure who has left a deep mark on Russian history and culture. The volume, edited by T. Matasova (2016), tells the story of the descendant of the Byzantine imperial family, married in 1472 to the great prince of Moscow Ivan III. The fascinating reconstruction of the cultural, social and political context opens up new perspectives for research.
机译:在热门系列中,“名人生活”出版了《索菲亚·帕拉约洛基纳》(Sophia Palaiologina)的传记,这个人物在俄罗斯的历史和文化上留下了深刻的印记。该书由T.Matasova(2016)编辑,讲述了拜占庭帝国家族后裔的故事,该家族于1472年与莫斯科伊万三世大公结婚。文化,社会和政治环境的迷人重建为研究开辟了新的视角。



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