首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >El juicio de realidad y mundos posibles en personas con esquizofrenia

El juicio de realidad y mundos posibles en personas con esquizofrenia




The judgment of conserved reality presupposes the exercise of our capacity to process reality and become aware of it. This awareness is framed in the endoculturation that provides us with shared information frames that allow us to understand who we are, our identity and the roles we address in the psychosocial environment to which we belong, that is, what we accept as possible worlds. In schizophrenia, the judgment of reality is an interpretation of reality biased by delirium. In psychiatry the judgment of reality is evaluated in the context of the task of describing the morbid process itself. In this process, different mechanisms of judgment building are revealed, with which patients interpret their experiences (Figueroa, 2015). In the present study we will try to describe some evidences of the judgment of altered reality through the use of discursive modalizers, which we will describe in the framework of Functional Clinical Linguistics. Our general objective is to describe the use of communicative resources that mark this psychopathological behavior. The hypothesis of the study is that the altered reality judgment can be investigated through the use of verbal modalizers of certainty or possibility.



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