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Absorptive capacity: Relevancy for large and small enterprises




Background: Over the years, there has been a growing interest in organisational research in the absorptive capacity (AC) construct, but only a few theoretical and empirical studies on this topic have been carried out over the last decade. However, a number of scholars and practitioners have continued to cite AC as a significant factor in determining the success or failure of organisations. With the dramatic changes in business environments, there has been a growing rise in the use of knowledge by organisations to help improve and maintain their competitiveness and consequently their survival. AC is a fundamental element that helps organisations to gain competitive advantage by producing commercial products or services through the transformation of knowledge.Objective: The purpose of this article is thus to provide a review of the literature on this subject with the aim of finding out how both large and small enterprises stand to benefit from AC. We intend to affirm that, by successfully carrying out a learning process that is characterised by the exploration and exploitation of external knowledge and the organisation's current knowledge base, organisations can realise competitive advantage irrespective of their size.Method: In the literature search, three approaches were employed, namely academic databases, online search engines and a review of references of related studies which led to more relevant articles and works whose references were further reviewed and analysed. Content analysis was done on all collected articles for quality appraisal and synthesis, the results of which we present as discussions on various sections of this paper leading to answering of our study objective. Only peer-reviewed articles were used.Results: Our findings reveal that, irrespective of the organisation's size, it can benefit significantly from AC. The study further reveal that AC is a strong predictor of an organisation's performance and hence a strategic asset for the organisation. Organisations with high AC are able to learn how to utilise new knowledge within their processes and come up with changes that improve their competitive advantage.Conclusion: We submit that, because AC is a strong predictor of an organisation's performance, it is imperative that the necessary measures are taken to improve the levels of AC for all firms, irrespective of their size.
机译:背景:多年来,人们对组织对吸收能力(AC)结构的研究越来越感兴趣,但是在过去的十年中,仅针对该主题进行了少量理论和实证研究。但是,许多学者和从业人员继续将交流视为确定组织成败的重要因素。随着业务环境的急剧变化,组织使用知识来帮助提高和保持竞争力并因此生存的趋势正在不断增长。 AC是帮助组织通过知识转换生产商业产品或服务来获得竞争优势的基本要素。目的:本文的目的是对这个主题的文献进行综述,以期找出如何大型和小型企业都将从AC中受益。我们打算确认,通过成功地进行以探索和利用外部知识以及组织当前的知识库为特征的学习过程,组织可以实现竞争优势,而不论其规模如何。方法:在文献搜索中,三种方法使用了学术数据库,在线搜索引擎以及对相关研究参考文献的评论,从而产生了更多相关文章和作品,其参考文献也得到了进一步的审查和分析。对所有收集到的文章进行了内容分析,以进行质量评估和综合,我们将其结果作为本文各个部分的讨论而提出,从而回答了我们的研究目标。结果:我们的发现表明,无论组织的规模如何,AC都可以从中受益匪浅。研究进一步表明,AC是组织绩效的有力预测指标,因此是组织的战略资产。拥有较高AC的组织能够学习如何在其流程中利用新知识,并提出可提高其竞争优势的变更。结论:我们认为,由于AC是组织绩效的有力预测指标,因此必不可少的是采取措施以提高所有公司的AC水平,无论其规模如何。



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