首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Animal Science >Effect of supplementary feeding to ewes and suckling lambs on ewe and lamb live weights while grazing wheat stubble

Effect of supplementary feeding to ewes and suckling lambs on ewe and lamb live weights while grazing wheat stubble




A trial was conducted to determine the effects on the performance of creep feeding suckling lambs and supplementing ewes that were grazing wheat stubble. Eight experimental units of South African Mutton Merino (SAMM) ewes and lambs were used in a 2 (supplementing ewes or not) x 2 (creep feeding lambs or not) factorial design. Two groups, consisting of 68 and 100 ewes, grazed 12.9 ha and 18 ha paddocks, respectively. Each group was then divided into four sub-groups, of which two sub-groups received supplementation and two were not supplemented. Within each ewe group, two groups of lambs received creep feeding and two groups did not. Ewe groups were rotated between these camps each week to eliminate the effect of camps. Supplementation at 200 g/day took place from February 2000 to May 2000, after which it was increased to 300 g/day until August 2000. The liveweight change (LWC) of ewes during the total experimental period from 22 November to 31 August, as well as during the feeding period from 22 February to 31 August, was not affected significantly by supplementation, although ewes that received supplementary feed maintained higher live weights for a large part of the experimental period. The average daily gain (ADG) of lambs from ewes that received supplementary feed tended (9%) to be higher compared to the lambs of ewes that did not received any supplementary feed. There was no significant difference in the LWC of ewes during the total experimental period or during the feeding period due to the creep feeding of their lambs. The ADG of the lambs that received creep feeding from 24 May to 28 August was 25% higher than that of lambs that did not receive it, and the creep-fed lambs maintained higher live weights for most of the experimental period.
机译:进行了一项试验,以确定对of草喂养的羔羊羔羊和补充吃草麦茬的母羊的性能的影响。南非羊肉美利奴羊(SAMM)母羊和羔羊的8个实验单位用于2(不补充母羊)x 2(不供蠕变羔羊)的析因设计中。两组分别由68头母羊和100头母羊组成,分别放牧了12.9公顷和18公顷的牧场。然后将每组分为四个亚组,其中两个亚组接受补充,两个不补充。在每个母羊群中,两组羔羊接受蠕动饲养,而两组则没有。母羊团体每周在这些营地之间轮换以消除营地的影响。从2000年2月至2000年5月以每天200 g的剂量补充营养,之后直到2000年8月增加到每天300 g。在11月22日至8月31日的整个实验期内,母羊的活重变化(LWC)为在2月22日至8月31日的饲喂期间,尽管补充饲喂的母羊在实验期间的大部分时间内都保持较高的活重,但饲喂对母羊的生长没有明显影响。与未接受补充饲料的母羊羔相比,接受补充饲料的母羊的羔羊平均日增重(ADG)往往更高(9%)。在整个实验期间或在喂食期间,由于小羊的creep食,母羊的轻质无明显差异。从5月24日至8月28日接受小食的羔羊的ADG比未接受小食的羔羊的ADG高25%,并且在整个实验期间的大部分时间内,小母牛饲喂的活重都较高。



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