首页> 外文期刊>Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability >Taxes to influence energy use in road transportation in Australia

Taxes to influence energy use in road transportation in Australia




The desire to achieve a shift towards renewable energy will be difficult to achieve without a change in the energy use in road transportation in Australia. The transport sector in Australia is heavily reliant on oil and is responsible for contributing 18.1%, of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions. This paper examines the current Australian tax policy and its inability to make an impact on transport choices that would reduce energy use and emissions and promote alternative energy use. Some of the current taxes such as the luxury car tax can be singled out as a tax that has passed its "use-by" date. The paper explores how the Australian Government can use targeted taxation measures in order to encourage the purchase of low energy consumption and low-emission vehicles, reduce the number of registered cars on Australian roads and control the use of cars as a means of personal transportation. A comprehensive tax measure suggested in this paper is the luxury energy tax based on the premise that energy use in transportation is a luxury and should be taxed appropriately in order to curb its use and bring about a behaviour change in the choice and usage of motor vehicles.
机译:如果不改变澳大利亚道路运输中的能源使用,将很难实现向可再生能源转变的愿望。澳大利亚的交通运输部门严重依赖石油,占澳大利亚年度温室气体排放量的18.1%。本文研究了澳大利亚现行的税收政策及其对交通选择的影响,这种选择将减少能源使用和排放并促进替代能源的使用。当前的某些税收(例如豪华车税)可以作为已经超过其“使用”日期的税项单独列出。本文探讨了澳大利亚政府如何使用针对性的税收措施,以鼓励购买低能耗和低排放的车辆,减少在澳大利亚道路上注册的汽车数量,并控制将汽车用作个人运输工具。本文提出的一种综合税收措施是奢侈能源税,其前提是运输中的能源使用是奢侈的,应适当征税,以遏制能源的使用并引起机动车选择和使用行为的改变。 。



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