首页> 外文期刊>Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability >Cradle to grave GHG emissions analysis of shale gas hydraulic fracking in Western Australia

Cradle to grave GHG emissions analysis of shale gas hydraulic fracking in Western Australia




We stern Australia has globally significant onshore gas resources, with over 280 trillion cubic feet of economically recoverable gas located in five shale basins. The Western Australian Government and gas industry have promoted the development of these resources as a "clean energy source" that would "help to reduce global carbon emissions" and provide a "transition fuel" to a low carbon economy. This research examines those claims by reviewing existing literature and published data to estimate the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that would result from the development of Western Australia's onshore gas basins using hydraulic fracking. Estimates of carbon pollution from each stage in gas development, processing, transport and end-use are considered in order to establish total life-cycle emissions in tonnes of carbon-dioxide equivalent (CO_2e). The emissions estimates draw from published research on emissions from shale gas development in other jurisdictions as well as industry or government reported emissions from current technology for gas processing and end-use as applicable. The current policy and regulatory environment for carbon pollution and likely resulting GHG mitigation measures has also been considered, as well as the potential for the gas to displace or substitute for other energy sources. In areas where there is uncertainty, conservative emissions estimates have been used. Modelling of GHG emissions has been undertaken for two comparison resource development and utilisation scenarios; Australian domestic and 100% export i.e. no domestic use. Each scenario corresponds to a different proportionate allocation of emissions accounted for domestic emissions in Australia and emissions accounted for in other jurisdictions. Emissions estimates for the two scenarios are 245-502MTCO_2e/year respectively over a resource development timeframe of 20 years. This is roughly the same as Australia's total GHG emissions in 2014 which were 525MTCO_2e/year. This research concludes that GHG emissions resulting from the development of Western Australia's five onshore gas basins would be equivalent to all other Australian emissions sources combined at 2014 levels each year for 20 years which is the general lifetime of a well.
机译:我们严厉地努力,澳大利亚拥有全球重要的陆上天然气资源,在五个页岩盆地中拥有超过280万亿立方英尺的经济可采天然气。西澳大利亚州政府和天然气工业促进了这些资源的开发,将其作为“清洁能源”,将“有助于减少全球碳排放”并为低碳经济提供“过渡燃料”。这项研究通过回顾现有文献和已发表的数据来评估这些主张,以评估生命周期温室气体(GHG)污染,这是由于西澳大利亚州采用水力压裂法开发陆上天然气盆地而造成的。为了确定以二氧化碳当量(CO_2e)吨为单位的生命周期总排放量,需要考虑天然气开发,加工,运输和最终使用各个阶段的碳污染估算。排放估算来自其他司法管辖区的页岩气开发排放的公开研究,以及行业或政府报告的适用于天然气加工和最终用途的当前技术排放。还考虑了当前的碳污染政策和法规环境以及可能采取的温室气体减排措施,以及天然气替代或替代其他能源的潜力。在存在不确定性的地区,使用了保守的排放估算。已经为两个比较资源开发和利用方案进行了温室气体排放建模。澳大利亚国内和100%的出口即没有国内使用。每种情况对应于澳大利亚国内排放量和其他管辖区排放量的不同比例排放分配。在20年的资源开发时间内,这两种方案的排放估算分别为245-502MTCO_2e /年。这与2014年澳大利亚的525MTCO_2e /年的温室气体总排放量大致相同。这项研究得出的结论是,西澳大利亚州五个陆上天然气盆地的开发所产生的温室气体排放量相当于20年来每年澳大利亚所有其他排放源(按2014年的水平计算)的总和,相当于20年的使用寿命。



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