首页> 外文期刊>South African Family Practice >The correlation between the health-related fitness of healthy participants measured at home as opposed to fitness measured by sport scientists in a laboratory

The correlation between the health-related fitness of healthy participants measured at home as opposed to fitness measured by sport scientists in a laboratory




Background: Fitness is defined in the health context as a state of good health or physical condition, primarily as a result of exercise and proper nutrition. Conventional methods of measuring fitness are expensive, time consuming and require specialised methods. There is a need for noninvasive, fast methods of assessing health-related fitness and activity in athlete and non-athlete populations. The aim of this study was to establish any correlation between participants’ self-assessed health-related fitness (HRF) index and the HRF index determined by sports scientists, as well as the laboratory-assessed HRF index and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) determined by sports scientists via direct methods in a laboratory, and finally, to determine any potential correlation between an activity-recall questionnaire (Kasari) and VO2max.Method: The participants consisted of 169 male and female volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55?years, taking neither supplements nor medication. The University of Pretoria’s HRF index protocol was first carried out by participants on their own at home, and then in the laboratory under the supervision of sport scientists. The complete datasets of 150 participants were statistically analysed to establish correlations.Results: The results indicated highly significant and substantial correlations (ρ?=?0.696, p?2max (ρ?=?0.512, p?2max (ρ?=?0.588; p?2max (ρ?=?0.454; p 2max (ρ?=?0.278, p?2max (ρ?=?0.072, p?
机译:背景:在健康背景下,健身被定义为身体健康或身体状况的主要来源,主要是运动和适当的营养。传统的健康度测量方法昂贵,费时并且需要专门的方法。需要一种无创,快速的方法来评估运动员和非运动员人群与健康有关的健康状况和活动。这项研究的目的是建立参与者自我评估的健康相关健康(HRF)指数与体育科学家确定的HRF指数之间以及实验室评估的HRF指数与最大摄氧量之间的任何相关性(VO 2 max)由体育科学家在实验室中通过直接方法确定,最后确定活动记忆问卷(Kasari)与VO 2 max之间的任何潜在相关性。方法:参与者包括169位年龄在18至55岁之间的男性和女性志愿者,他们既没有服用补充剂也没有服用药物。比勒陀利亚大学的HRF索引协议首先由参与者自己在家中执行,然后在体育科学家的监督下在实验室中进行。对150名参与者的完整数据集进行了统计分析,以建立相关性。结果:结果显示出高度显着和显着的相关性(ρ?=?0.696,p?2 max(ρ?=?0.512,p?2 max(ρ?=?0.588; p?2 max(ρ?=?0.454; p 2 max(ρ?=?0.278,p?2 max(ρ? =?0.072,p?<?0.731)。结论:表明该测试方案可以由个人在没有监督的情况下在家进行,以确定运动能力或健康状况,或监测身体健康状况的变化,从而限制了支出和费用。 。



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