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Evaluating the Suitability of Clays from Abakaliki Area, Southeastern Nigeria for Oil Industrial Application Using Geotechnical and Rheological Properties




The characteristics of clays from Abakaliki area, southeastern Nigeria were characterized to establish its suitability in oil industry as drilling mud when compared with naturally active bentonitic clays from Wyoming and Texas which are used in the industry as drilling mud. The chemical, mineralogical and geotechnical properties were employed in assessing the suitability of Abakaliki clays as drilling mud. Mineralogically, the clays were all characterized as dominantly Illite as well as montmorillonite with low percentages of kaolinite. The chemical composition of the clays indicates low percentages of Na_2O when compared with that of Wyoming bentonite with fairly higher percentages of CaO and K_2O than are required for drilling mud clays. The clays are plastic; with liquid limit (LL) of 58 8 to 72.8, plastic limit (PL) of 25 to 30 and plasticity index (API) of 26 to 45.8. They classify as inorganic clays of high plasticity (CH) according to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and as A-7-6 according to American Association of State High and Transportation Official's (AASHTO) classification systems. The natural pH values are greater than 8.10, while the viscosity values varied from 5.9 centipoises to 8.0 centipoises for 10 g clay per 350 ml water. Some of these natural properties (Na_2O and CaO contents, LL, PI and viscosity) of these Nigerian clays failed to satisfy the required specifications outlined for clays used as drilling mud when compared with the properties of Wyoming bentonite. This clay will possibly yield low plastic viscosities but with additives such as Sodium Carbonate and Carboxymethyl Cellulose, the rheological properties for Abakaliki clay will remarkably improve.
机译:与来自怀俄明州和得克萨斯州的天然活性膨润土相比,尼日利亚东南部的Abakaliki地区的粘土的特征使其在石油工业中适合用作钻探泥浆。利用化学,矿物学和岩土学性质来评估Abakaliki粘土作为钻井泥浆的适用性。矿物学上,粘土的特征均以低岭土为主,主要为伊利石和蒙脱石。与怀俄明膨润土相比,粘土的化学组成表明Na_2O的百分含量低,而CaO和K_2O的百分含量比钻泥粘土所需的Na_2O的百分含量高得多。粘土是塑料的。液体极限(LL)为58 8至72.8,塑性极限(PL)为25至30,可塑性指数(API)为26至45.8。根据统一土壤分类系统(USCS),它们被归类为高塑性无机粘土(CH),根据美国国家高级运输官员协会(AASHTO)分类系统,它们被归类为A-7-6。天然pH值大于8.10,而每350毫升水中10克粘土的粘度值从5.9厘泊到8.0厘泊变化。与怀俄明膨润土的性能相比,这些尼日利亚粘土的某些自然属性(Na_2O和CaO含量,LL,PI和粘度)未能满足用作钻探泥浆的粘土概述的要求规格。这种粘土可能会产生低的塑料粘度,但是如果使用碳酸钠和羧甲基纤维素等添加剂,Abakaliki粘土的流变性将得到显着改善。



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