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Chasing a Dragonfly on the Lawn




In this paper the authors aim to discuss a series of surveys conducted over the past two years through web-survey, through which issues related to eating disorders have been scrutinized with the objective of giving a portrait as to the several aspects concerning those who live in a state of distress by cause of chronic diseases. The methodology employed makes use of statistical techniques widely recognized in the scientific field. The main purpose is to understand if the new techniques of study born to the web 2.0 are valid as classical techniques, with particular attention to the break-off phenomenon (total and partial dropouts) as well as the response and cooperation rates, in order to understand how these may still be valid in contexts web 2.0. The results are encouraging, the rates examined and the percentage emerged from error sampling makes us think that we snatched the dragonfly on the grass.
机译:在本文中,作者旨在讨论通过网络调查在过去两年中进行的一系列调查,通过这些调查对与饮食失调有关的问题进行了详细审查,目的是就与居住在城市中的人有关的几个方面提供肖像。因慢性疾病而陷入困境的状态所采用的方法论利用了科学领域广泛认可的统计技术。主要目的是了解Web 2.0诞生的新学习技术是否可以作为经典技术使用,尤其要注意折断现象(全部和部分辍学)以及响应和合作率,以便了解这些在上下文Web 2.0中如何仍然有效。结果令人鼓舞,所检查的比率和错误抽样所产生的百分比使我们认为我们已将蜻蜓抢在草地上。



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