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The Mississippi River records glacial-isostatic deformation of North America




The imprint of glacial isostatic adjustment has long been recognized in shoreline elevations of oceans and proglacial lakes, but to date, its signature has not been identified in river long profiles. Here, we reveal that the buried bedrock valley floor of the upper Mississippi River exhibits a 110-m-deep, 300-km-long overdeepening that we interpret to be a partial cast of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge, the ring of flexurally raised lithosphere surrounding the ice sheet. Incision through this forebulge occurred during a single glacial cycle at some time between 2.5 and 0.8 million years before present, when ice-sheet advance forced former St. Lawrence River tributaries in Minnesota and Wisconsin to flow southward. This integrated for the first time the modern Mississippi River, permanently changing continental-scale hydrology and carving a bedrock valley through the migrating forebulge with sediment-poor water. The shape of the inferred forebulge is consistent with an ice sheet ~1 km thick near its margins, similar to the Laurentide Ice Sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum, and provides evidence of the impact of geodynamic processes on geomorphology even in the midst of a stable craton.
机译:长期以来,在海洋和冰川湖的海岸线高程中已经认识到冰川等静压调整的印记,但是迄今为止,在河长剖面中还没有发现它的特征。在这里,我们发现密西西比河上游的被埋基岩谷层表现出110米深,300公里长的超深深度,我们认为这是劳伦特德冰盖前隆凸(弯曲弯曲的岩石圈环)的部分铸型围绕冰盖。通过前隆的切缝发生在一个单一的冰川周期中,发生在现在之前的2.5至80万年之间,当时冰盖推进迫使明尼苏达州和威斯康星州的前圣劳伦斯河支流向南流动。这是第一次将现代密西西比河融为一体,永久改变了大陆规模的水文学,并在沉积物贫瘠的水流中,通过迁徙的前突雕刻了基岩谷。推断的前隆的形状与边缘附近约1 km厚的冰盖相一致,类似于最后冰川最大时期的Laurentide冰盖,即使在稳定的环境中,也提供了地球动力学过程对地貌的影响的证据克拉通。



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