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From Necessity to Possibility: Postmodern and Heideggerian Aspects of Passing and Identity in Early African American Novels From 1853 to 1912




This article applies theories of fragmented postmodern identity and Heideggera??s modes of existence and concept of historicality to the issue of passing and traces the treatment of that motif across six African American novels that move from the largely realistic perspective of the 19th century to the subjectivist perspective of the early 20th century. These novels thus foreshadow the postmodernist questioning of the basis of discrete personal identity. The article claims that, across these novels, the act of passing and its relationship to human identity through time and historical circumstance becomes problematized from a necessary tool for escaping slavery, and so sustaining identity in its most basic form as life itself, to a potential existential dilemma of identity as a matter of authenticity and possibility. The article further discusses whether the individual is constrained by his or her background, especially, by race itself, or is a totally free, ungrounded agent.
机译:本文将零散的后现代身份理论以及海德格尔的生存方式和历史概念应用于过关问题,并追溯了六种非裔美国人小说中对这一主题的处理,这些小说从19世纪的大体现实主义视角转向了20世纪30年代。 20世纪初的主观主义观点。这些小说因此预示了后现代主义对离散个人身份基础的质疑。文章声称,在这些小说中,通过时间和历史环境的传递行为及其与人类身份的关系从逃避奴隶制的必要工具,从而以其最基本的形式(如生活本身)维持身份到潜在的身份成为问题。作为真实性和可能性的问题,身份的生存困境。文章进一步讨论了个人是否受其背景(尤其是种族本身)的约束,还是完全自由,没有根据的经纪人。



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