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From an Obscured Gaze to a Seeing Eye? Iris as Victim, Villain, and Avenger in the Role of Writer-as-Assassin in Margaret Atwooda??s The Blind Assassin:

机译:从朦胧的目光转向看见的眼睛?艾丽丝(Iris)在玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwooda)的《盲刺客》中扮演刺客作家的角色中扮演受害者,恶棍和复仇者的角色:



In the postmodern period, first-person-limited, unreliable, female narrators may have a greater difficulty in a??seeinga?? and, thus, depicting their landscapes than previous erasa?? storytellers. Iris (Chase) Griffen, narrator-protagonist of Margaret Atwooda??s The Blind Assassin, spins a complicated, self-reflective text exploring her attempts at composing a world vision that consumes the novela??s larger part. Irisa??s search for answers about her identity as well as that of other characters may leave readers in the lurch, waiting for their a??story,a?? in Ross Chambersa??s terms, as an agreed-upon product. Nonetheless, having amassed assorted textual materials, Iris stockpiles the ammunition she needs to do her a??joba?? as a storyteller-assassin who creates and destroys, as characters suffer a fall. Assuming guises dependent on location, Iris enacts the conflicting roles of a victim, social product, villain, and blind assassin to assault her culturea??s masculinist architectures that bar womena??s points of views in opposition to what Henry James presents as the unending panoramas offered by his metaphorical a??House of Fiction.a?? Irisa??s struggle to construct her life story mirrors the difficulty many women face more broadly, in which they face competing, irreconcilable values. In the novel, Irisa??s ability to play differing parts with equal aplomb compels readers to view her as a complex narrator, constructing and assassinating fellow characters to render her female descendantsa?? fates as open ended.
机译:在后现代时期,第一人称,不可靠的女性叙事者在“寻求见解”方面可能会遇到更大的困难。并因此比以前的时代描绘了他们的风景??讲故事的人。玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwooda)的《盲目刺客》的叙述者和主角艾里斯(Chase)Griffen旋转了一个复杂的,自我反省的文本,探讨了她试图构想消耗中篇小说大部分内容的世界视野的尝试。艾丽莎(Irisa)搜寻有关她的身份以及其他角色的身份的答案可能会使读者陷入困境,等待他们的故事或故事。以Ross Chambersa的名义,作为商定的产品。尽管如此,艾里斯已经收集了各种文字资料,库存了她需要做的“工作”的弹药。作为一个讲故事的刺客,他会在角色跌倒时创造并摧毁。假设装扮取决于位置,艾里斯(Iris)扮演受害人,社会产品,反派和盲刺客的冲突角色,以攻击她的文化习俗男性主义建筑,该建筑禁止女性的观点反对亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)提出的观点。由他的比喻“小说之家”提供的无尽全景。艾丽莎(Irisa)努力构建自己的生活故事,反映了许多女性所面临的困难,她们面临着竞争,不可调和的价值观。在小说中,艾丽莎(Irisa)具有平等地扮演不同角色的能力,迫使读者将她视为一个复杂的叙述者,构造并暗杀了其他角色,以呈现她的女后裔。开放式命运。



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