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Climbing the Needs Pyramids:




Abraham Maslowa??s theory of human adult motivation is often represented by a pyramid image showing two proposals: First, the five needs stages in emergent order of hierarchical ascension and second, a percentage of the adult population suggested to occupy each needs tier. Specifically, Maslow proposed that adults would be motivated to satisfy their unfilled needs until they reached the hierarchya??s apex and achieved self-transcendence. Yet how adults can purposefully ascend Maslowa??s pyramid through satisfying unfilled needs remains elusive. This brief article challenges this on the theorya??s 70th anniversary by presenting a new image of the needs hierarchy, based on ecological design principles to support adultsa?? purposeful endeavors to climb the needs pyramid.
机译:亚伯拉罕·马斯洛娃(Abraham Maslowa)的人类成年动机理论通常用金字塔图像来表示,该金字塔图像显示了两个建议:第一,五个需要阶段以层级提升的出现顺序出现;第二,建议有一定比例的成年人口占据每个需求层次。特别是,马斯洛(Maslow)提出,成年人要有动力去满足他们未满足的需求,直到他们达到等级制度的最高点并实现自我超越。然而,成年人如何通过满足未满足的需求来有目的地提升Maslowa的金字塔仍然难以捉摸。这篇简短的文章在理论70周年之际,通过基于生态设计原则支持成年人的需求层次的新形象,对这一挑战提出了挑战。有目的的努力来攀登需求金字塔。



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