To develop and validate a questionnaire assessing barriers faced by Saudi Arabian female dentists in the progression of their career. We developed a three-part questionna'/> The Development and Validation of a Questionnaire Measuring Barriers to Career Progression Faced by Women Dentists in Saudi Arabia
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The Development and Validation of a Questionnaire Measuring Barriers to Career Progression Faced by Women Dentists in Saudi Arabia




style="text-align:justify;"> To develop and validate a questionnaire assessing barriers faced by Saudi Arabian female dentists in the progression of their career. We developed a three-part questionnaire based on a literature review, semi-structured interviews, and consultation with 3 panels of experts. The instrument was sent to a convenience sample of 150 female dentists who were faculty members at different university hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Cronbach’s alpha was used to test reliability. Exploratory factor analysis was used to evaluate construct validity. A total of 62 dentists returned the questionnaire (response rate 41.3%), 55 of which were useable for the pilot testing of the measure. The final instrument included 20 items divided into four subscales: Family Challenges, Environment Challenges, Interpersonal Challenges, and Sociocultural Challenges. Cronbach’s α for the total questionnaire was 0.899. Exploratory factor analysis on the questionnaire led to a set of subscales differing from those defined beforehand (KMO = 0.784 very good). A new valid and reliable questionnaire has been developed that measures barriers to female dentists’ career progression in Saudi Arabia.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”>制定并验证问卷,以评估沙特阿拉伯女牙医在其职业发展过程中面临的障碍。我们根据文献综述,半结构式访谈以及与3个专家小组的咨询意见,制定了一个由三部分组成的问卷。该仪器被送至便利样本中,该样本来自沙特阿拉伯不同大学医院的150名女牙医。克伦巴赫的Alpha用于测试可靠性。探索性因素分析用于评估构建体的有效性。共有62位牙医返回了问卷(答复率为41.3%),其中55位可用于该措施的试点测试。最终工具包括20个项目,分为四个子量表:家庭挑战,环境挑战,人际挑战和社会文化挑战。总问卷的Cronbachα为0.899。调查表中的探索性因素分析导致了一组与预先定义的子量表不同的子量表(KMO = 0.784非常好)。已开发出一种新的有效可靠的调查问卷,该调查问卷衡量了沙特阿拉伯女牙医职业发展的障碍。



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