style='font-size:12px;'>In the present research, a survey of the Domestic Violence (DV) related experience, knowledge, understanding of characteristics, and opinions on '/> Japanese Educators’ Knowledge of DV
首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Japanese Educators’ Knowledge of DV

Japanese Educators’ Knowledge of DV




style="text-align:justify;"> style="font-size:12px;">In the present research, a survey of the Domestic Violence (DV) related experience, knowledge, understanding of characteristics, and opinions on prevention of 244 Japanese educators was conducted. It cannot be overlooked that 8.0% of the 244 educators had experience suffering from DV. Additionally, 28.8% of the educators had experience taking a training or class on DV, and 34.0% had experience studying DV through books, etc. It was revealed from the present survey that roughly 30% of the educators had educational experience related to DV. Also it was revealed that 90.7% of female educators and 85.9% of male educators who were subjects of the present study thought that “It’s best if DV prevention is implemented during middle school and high school classes.” Educators who had studied DV through books, etc. understood six out of seven items about the characteristics of DV, which was more than those who had not studied DV. Additionally, those who had experience taking a training or class understood in detail three questions out of seven, which was more than those without experience. It is important to provide opportunities for training that would lead to learn the correct knowledge about DV for educators.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”> style =“ font-size:12px;”>在本研究中,对与家庭暴力(DV)相关的经验,知识,对特征的理解以及对244名日本教育者的预防发表了意见。不可忽视的是,在244名教育工作者中,有8.0%曾遭受过DV的折磨。另外,有28.8%的教育者有接受过DV培训或课程的经验,有34.0%的人有通过书籍等学习DV的经验。从本次调查中可以看出,大约30%的教育者具有与DV相关的教育经验。另外还发现,本研究对象的90.7%的女性教育者和85.9%的男性教育者认为“最好在中学和高中阶段实施DV预防”。通过书本等学习过DV的教育者对DV的特征了解的七分之六,比未学习过DV的人多。此外,那些有参加过培训或课程经验的人详细地理解了七个问题中的三个,这比没有经验的人要多。重要的是要提供培训机会,以使教育者了解有关DV的正确知识。



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