This study investigated “the extent to which group counseling techniques can influence risk behavior management among secondary school students”. The tenacious adoption o'/> Group Counselling Techniques and Risk Behaviour Management among Secondary School Students: From a Curriculum Implementation Viewpoint
首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Group Counselling Techniques and Risk Behaviour Management among Secondary School Students: From a Curriculum Implementation Viewpoint

Group Counselling Techniques and Risk Behaviour Management among Secondary School Students: From a Curriculum Implementation Viewpoint




style="text-align:justify;"> This study investigated “the extent to which group counseling techniques can influence risk behavior management among secondary school students”. The tenacious adoption of irrational behaviors among secondary school students in Cameroon due to psychosocial pressures, lack of direction, affection and social education motivated the researcher to carry out this study. Related literature was reviewed on group counseling and risk behaviour management. The client/Person-Centred theory, Problem behavior theory and the self-determination theory were used to give meaning to the problem of study. Observation and Interview research methods were applied to carry out the investigation. Data were collected using a semi-structured observation guide and semi-structured interview guide. Guidance counselors from Government Bilingual High School (G.B.H.S.) Etoug-ebe, Yaounde were selected for the study through non-probability sampling technique. The data collected were analysed thematically following the main objective of the study. Overall, the results of this study revealed that group counseling techniques influence risk behavior management among secondary school students. The findings of the study offer new evidence as well that guidance counselors in schools can improve their services through effective group counseling sessions with students in the classroom. Group counseling can serve as an alternative to individual counseling as it contributes to rational thinking and good behavior in students.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”>该研究调查了“团体咨询技术可以在多大程度上影响中学生的风险行为管理”。由于社会心理压力,缺乏方向,缺乏情感和社会教育,喀麦隆中学生顽强地采用了非理性行为,这促使研究人员开展了这项研究。回顾了有关团体咨询和风险行为管理的相关文献。运用委托人/以人为本的理论,问题行为理论和自决理论为研究问题赋予了意义。采用观察和访谈研究方法进行调查。使用半结构化观察指南和半结构化面试指南收集数据。通过非概率抽样技术,选拔了雅温得政府双语高中(G.B.H.S.)Etoug-ebe的指导顾问。遵循研究的主要目标,对收集到的数据进行了主题分析。总体而言,这项研究的结果表明,团体咨询技术会影响中学生的风险行为管理。该研究的结果也提供了新的证据,表明学校的辅导员可以通过与教室里的学生进行有效的团体辅导会议来改善他们的服务。团体辅导可以代替个人辅导,因为它有助于学生进行理性思考和表现良好。



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