首页> 外文期刊>Orphanet journal of rare diseases >Mevalonate kinase deficiencies: from mevalonic aciduria to hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome

Mevalonate kinase deficiencies: from mevalonic aciduria to hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome




Mevalonic aciduria (MVA) and hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome (HIDS) represent the two ends of a clinical spectrum of disease caused by deficiency of mevalonate kinase (MVK), the first committed enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis. At least 30 patients with MVA and 180 patients with HIDS have been reported worldwide. MVA is characterized by psychomotor retardation, failure to thrive, progressive cerebellar ataxia, dysmorphic features, progressive visual impairment and recurrent febrile crises. The febrile episodes are commonly accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, abdominal symptoms, arthralgia and skin rashes. Life expectancy is often compromised. In HIDS, only febrile attacks are present, but a subgroup of patients may also develop neurological abnormalities of varying degree such as mental retardation, ataxia, ocular symptoms and epilepsy. A reduced activity of MVK and pathogenic mutations in the MVK gene have been demonstrated as the common genetic basis in both disorders. In MVA, the diagnosis is established by detection of highly elevated levels of mevalonic acid excreted in urine. Increased levels of immunoglobulin D (IgD) and, in most patients of immunoglobulin A (IgA), in combination with enhanced excretion of mevalonic acid provide strong evidence for HIDS. The diagnosis is confirmed by low activity of mevalonate kinase or by demonstration of disease-causing mutations. Genetic counseling should be offered to families at risk. There is no established successful treatment for MVA. Simvastatin, an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, and anakinra have been shown to have beneficial effect in HIDS.
机译:甲羟戊酸尿症(MVA)和高免疫球蛋白D综合征(HIDS)代表由甲羟戊酸激酶(MVK)缺乏引起的临床疾病的两端,甲羟戊酸激酶(MVK)是胆固醇生物合成的首个重要酶。世界范围内已报告至少30例MVA患者和180例HIDS患者。 MVA的特征是精神运动发育迟缓,无法健壮,进行性小脑性共济失调,畸形特征,进行性视力障碍和发热性反复发作。高热发作通常伴有肝脾肿大,淋巴结肿大,腹部症状,关节痛和皮疹。预期寿命通常会受到影响。在HIDS中,仅存在高热发作,但是一小组患者也可能会出现不同程度的神经异常,例如智力低下,共济失调,眼部症状和癫痫。 MVK的活性降低和MVK基因中的致病性突变已被证明是这两种疾病的共同遗传基础。在MVA中,通过检测尿中排泄的甲羟戊酸水平高度升高来建立诊断。免疫球蛋白D(IgD)水平升高,并且在大多数免疫球蛋白A(IgA)患者中,结合甲羟戊酸排泄增加,为HIDS提供了有力的证据。甲羟戊酸激酶活性低或致病突​​变证明证实了该诊断。应向有风险的家庭提供遗传咨询。目前尚无成功的MVA治疗方法。辛伐他汀(HMG-CoA还原酶的抑制剂)和合成素已显示对HIDS具有有益作用。



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