首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Using the ADAPT Strategy to Facilitate the Thinking Process of Creating Universal Design Based Instructional Adaptions and Differentiation in Lesson Plans for Diverse Learners

Using the ADAPT Strategy to Facilitate the Thinking Process of Creating Universal Design Based Instructional Adaptions and Differentiation in Lesson Plans for Diverse Learners




The effects of a learning strategy to prompt deeper thinking and the incorporation of more UDL instructional differentiations and adaptions in the lesson plans by pre service and early career teachers were examined. Class 1 (control) received a 2.5 hour lecture with guided practice about Universal Design for Learning. Class 2 (experimental) received a 2.5 lecture with guided practice about Universal Design for Learning with the ADAPT Strategy incorporated. A modeled thinking process of the ADAPT strategy was provided. The participants’ (n = 43) application of Universal Design strategies to adapt lesson plans for diverse learners was compared using a rubric. Three lesson plans for each participant was collected for both Class 1 and Class 2. The first lesson plan was collected in the beginning of the course prior to instruction; the second, after the 2.5 lecture with guided practice for Class 1 (control) and the UDL training with the ADAPT strategy for Class 2 (experimental). The third lesson plan was collected four weeks after for both Class 1 and 2 as a second posttest. Class 2 (experimental) employed more UDL strategies and scored significantly higher than Class 1 (control) on the second and final lesson plan. Moreover, Class 2 participants had adaptions which were well connected to the lesson, evidenced by explicit explanations of where, when and why the adaption would be used. Additionally, more evidences of tying the lesson to the learners in the case study were noted. The results suggest that experience in thinking about “how” to create adaptions may be a necessary opportunity required by pre-service and early career teachers to practice differentiating instruction and making adaptation.
机译:考察了一种学习策略的作用,该策略可以促使更深入的思考,并由职前和早期职业教师在课程计划中纳入更多的UDL教学差异化和适应性。第1类(控件)接受了为时2.5小时的关于通用学习设计指导的讲座。第2类(实验性课程)以ADAPT策略为指导,接受了2.5堂关于通用学习设计指导课程的讲座。提供了ADAPT策略的建模思考过程。使用评分标准比较了参与者(n = 43)应用通用设计策略以适应多样化学习者的课程计划的情况。为第1级和第2级收集了每个参与者的三个教案。第一个教案是在授课前的课程开始时收集的。第二次是在2.5课后,进行1类(控制)的指导练习,对UDL进行2类(实验)的ADAPT策略的培训。第三个课程计划是在第一周和第二周的四个星期后收集的,作为第二次后测。在第二个也是最后一个课程计划中,第2类(实验性)采用了更多的UDL策略,并且得分明显高于第1类(对照)。此外,第2类参与者的适应能力与本课紧密相关,通过明确说明将在何处,何时以及为何使用适应能力来证明这一点。此外,在案例研究中还注意到了将课程与学习者联系起来的更多证据。结果表明,在思考如何“创造”适应方面的经验可能是岗前和职业生涯早期教师实施差异化教学和适应的必要机会。



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