首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Intestinal Parasitic among Children with Less Than Fifteen Years Old in the Rural Neighbourhoods of Saurimo, Province of Lunda-Sul, Angola

Intestinal Parasitic among Children with Less Than Fifteen Years Old in the Rural Neighbourhoods of Saurimo, Province of Lunda-Sul, Angola




Background: Intestinal parasites are among the most common pathogens found in humans. Helminths and protozoa which colonize the intestine constitute an important public health problem in the world. Considering that more than half of the world population is infected by enteroparasites, with high prevalence among the poorest, this research aimed to investigate parasitological indicators among children under fifteen years of age in the rural community of Saurimo, Angola. The research had an individualized, observational and cross-sectional design, in the year of 2012. Material and methods: 721 stool samples were examined and preserved in Merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde solution (MIF). Laboratory tests were performed by coproscopic method. Results: 308 helminth, eggs or protozoan cysts were found, corresponding to the prevalence coefficient (PC) of 42.7%. Among them, 229 were positive for helminths (PC = 31.8%) and 118 for protozoa (PC = 16.4%). Monospecific parasitism was identified in 241 (PC = 33.4%) and polyparasitism i n 67 (PC = 9.3%). Ascaris lumbricoides was the most frequent species with 158 cases, with dominance coefficient (DC) of 51.3%. Among protozoal infections, the most common species was Entamoeba coli , in 101 cases (DC = 32.8%), whereas parasitism by Entamoeba histolytica / dispar was found in 16 cases (DC = 5.2%). The age group between two and five years old was the class with the highest incidence, with 144 cases, dominance coefficient (DC) of 46.8%. Cases of simultaneous parasitism by two or more species occurred in 62 samples (PC = 8.6%, DC = 20.1%), and simultaneity by three species occurred in five cases (PC = 0.7%, DC = 1.6%). The results were the basis for proper counselling and intervention. Conclusions: The study revealed the need for orientation of government measures and educational partners to improve the living conditions of the community of Saurimo, Angola.
机译:背景:肠道寄生虫是人类中最常见的病原体。寄生在肠道中的蠕虫和原生动物构成了世界上重要的公共卫生问题。考虑到世界上一半以上的人口被肠内寄生虫感染,最贫穷的人群中感染率很高,因此本研究旨在调查安哥拉索里莫农村社区中15岁以下儿童的寄生虫学指标。该研究在2012年进行了个性化,观察性和横断面设计。材料和方法:检查了721份粪便样品,并保存在Merthiolate-碘-甲醛溶液(MIF)中。实验室检查是通过coproscopic方法进行的。结果:发现308个蠕虫,卵或原生动物囊肿,患病率(PC)为42.7%。其中,蠕虫为229例阳性(PC = 31.8%),原生动物为118例(PC = 16.4%)。在241(PC = 33.4%)中鉴定出单特异性寄生虫,在67(PC = 9.3%)中发现多寄生虫。虫是最常见的物种,有158例,优势系数(DC)为51.3%。在原生动物感染中,最常见的物种是肠杆菌,在101例中(DC = 32.8%),而在16例中发现了由溶组织性变形杆菌/病菌引起的寄生虫(DC = 5.2%)。年龄在2至5岁之间的年龄组是发病率最高的类别,共144例,优势系数(DC)为46.8%。在62个样本中出现了两个或更多物种同时寄生的病例(PC = 8.6%,DC = 20.1%),在五个病例中出现了三个物种同时寄生的案例(PC = 0.7%,DC = 1.6%)。结果是适当咨询和干预的基础。结论:该研究表明,需要对政府措施和教育伙伴进行定位,以改善安哥拉索里莫社区的生活条件。



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