style='font-size:12px;'>In recent years, with the economic level constantly improving in China, people have their living standards greatly improved, and higher demands h'/> Discussion on How to Create Higher Vocational Education Practice-Based Teaching Systems Adapted to Vocational Skills Competitions
首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Discussion on How to Create Higher Vocational Education Practice-Based Teaching Systems Adapted to Vocational Skills Competitions

Discussion on How to Create Higher Vocational Education Practice-Based Teaching Systems Adapted to Vocational Skills Competitions




style="text-align:justify;"> style="font-size:12px;">In recent years, with the economic level constantly improving in China, people have their living standards greatly improved, and higher demands have been raised on education. Higher vocational colleges are important bases for cultivating talents in the country and important places for students to study. Gradually the practice-based teaching in such colleges has been attracting eyeballs of and concerned about by educational authorities in the country. More and more attentions are paid to vocational skills competitions in colleges, and increasing numbers of students turn to the competitions, which whether seeing from educational philosophy or students’ overall qualities will help colleges to achieve the goals of cultivating talents. Surveys on higher vocational colleges show, most of such colleges are focused on what textbooks offer and theoretical knowledge in teaching, however, the theoretical knowledge is almost separated from practices. Most are still poor in the practice-based teaching system, and consequently most students have no practical experience and innovative abilities in practical work, and get low scores in vocational skills competitions, which is a main problem existing in the practice-based teaching system in such colleges. To create practice-based teaching systems adapted to vocational skills competitions in college teaching is to cultivate students’ abilities of practical operation so as to enable them to combine theories with practices on the basis of what they have learned and apply what they have gotten in professional work. This article first analyzes the patterns of vocational skills competitions, followed by the problems arising the practice-based teaching in colleges; finally, it shows how to create practice-based teaching systems in colleges adapted to vocational skills competitions.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”> style =“ font-size:12px;”>近年来,随着中国经济水平的不断提高,人们的生活水平大大提高,人们的生活要求更高。已经提高了教育水平。高职院校是国家培养人才的重要基地,也是学生学习的重要场所。在这些大学中,以实践为基础的教学逐渐吸引了该国教育当局的关注和关注。高校职业技能竞赛越来越受到重视,越来越多的学生转向竞赛,无论从教育理念还是从学生的整体素质来看,都将有助于大学实现人才培养的目标。对高职院校的调查表明,这类高校大多侧重于教科书提供的内容和教学中的理论知识,然而,理论知识几乎与实践相分离。大多数人仍缺乏基于实践的教学系统,因此,大多数学生在实践工作中没有实践经验和创新能力,在职业技能竞赛中得分较低,这是中国基于实践的教学系统中存在的主要问题。这样的大学。建立适合大学教学中职业技能竞赛的实践教学体系,是在培养学生的实际操作能力,使他们能够根据所学知识,将理论与实践相结合,并将其应用于专业领域。工作。本文首先分析了职业技能竞赛的模式,然后分析了高校实践教学的问题。最后,它展示了如何在高校中建立适合职业技能竞赛的基于实践的教学系统。



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