首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Social Sciences >Students’ Subject Choice in Secondary Schools in Tanzania: A Matter of Students’ Ability and Interests or Forced Circumstances?

Students’ Subject Choice in Secondary Schools in Tanzania: A Matter of Students’ Ability and Interests or Forced Circumstances?




This study aimed at providing answers to two key questions: 1) Which subjects are most preferred by students in secondary schools? 2) What are the reasons behind the students’ interest, or lack thereof, in particular subjects? The study employed qualitative methodology using a multiple case study holistic design. The students in the studied schools served as the unit of analysis. The study involved a sample of 18 secondary schools that were purposefully selected. Data were collected using focus group discussions, observation and documentary review. The analysis involved the use of the Miles and Huberman’s model of qualitative data analysis. The findings show that the majority of students in secondary schools preferred arts subjects notably because of the challenges they experience in learning science. The reasons for students preference of a particular subject included the inspiration from significant others, commitment and support provided by the subject teachers, the availability of teachers and their teaching approaches and relevance of the subject to their daily life experiences. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that the government should create a conducive learning environment, especially for community secondary schools, that will allow students to select subjects on the basis of their ability and interests.
机译:这项研究旨在回答以下两个关键问题:1)中学学生最喜欢哪些科目? 2)学生对特定学科感兴趣或缺乏兴趣的原因是什么?该研究采用了定性方法,并采用了多案例研究的整体设计。被研究学校的学生作为分析单位。该研究涉及有意选择的18所中学的样本。使用焦点小组讨论,观察和文献审查收集数据。该分析涉及使用Miles和Huberman的定性数据分析模型。调查结果表明,大多数中学学生偏爱艺术科目,尤其是因为他们在学习科学方面遇到了挑战。学生偏爱特定学科的原因包括:其他重要学科的启发,学科教师的承诺和支持,教师的可用性及其教学方法以及该学科与他们日常生活经验的相关性。根据这些发现,建议政府应创造一个有利的学习环境,尤其是社区中学,让学生根据自己的能力和兴趣选择科目。



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