首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Composite Materials >Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Some Mortars Prepared from Selected Jordanian Masonry Cements

Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Some Mortars Prepared from Selected Jordanian Masonry Cements




In light of the highly demanding cement market in Jordan, comprehensive studies should be undertaken to investigate the properties of the different cement types. This paper studies the Dynamic modulus of elasticity (DME) at 2, 7 and 28 days in mortars using six cement Jordanian types with CaO contents less than that of the ordinary Portland cements. It was found that the DME has strong relation with compressive strength. At the age of 28 days the mortars had some different values of DME. One important result of our work is that DME at the age of 28 days can be derived from those of the two days mixes. To account for the differences in dynamic modulus of elasticity with time, it is highly recommended to study in detail the mortars petrography under the light microscope. Using the scanning electron microscope (SEM), usually with attachment for chemical analysis at the crystal scale, in addition to X-ray diffraction technique may help characterization of the cement phases qualitatively and quantitatively.



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