首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Philosophy >A Critique of Mcdowell’s Demonstrative Thought in the Cognitive Process of Perception

A Critique of Mcdowell’s Demonstrative Thought in the Cognitive Process of Perception




The recent trend in epistemology is the consideration about the possibility of non-conceptual content in the cognitive process of perception. This has ever been generating serious polemics amongphilosophers of perception on the true nature and character of the content of our perceptual experienceat perception. Two groups eventually emerged: the non-conceptualists and the conceptualists. The non-conceptualists on one hand advocate that mental representations of the world do not necessarily presuppose concepts by means of which the content of these representations can be specified, hence, cognizers can have mental representation of the world that are non-conceptual. They argue that creatures without conceptual capacity can be in a content-bearing state even though they lack concept, memory or linguistic ability. The conceptualists on the other hand claim that non-conceptual content neither exists nor is representationally significant to perception because they are mere qualitative content of sensation i.e. purely sensory content. For them, cognizers can only have mental representations of the world if they possess adequate concepts by means of which they can specify what they represent else their experience is unavoidable conceptual.?John McDowell (1994), a leading conceptualist, therefore introduced the concept “demonstrative thought” to counter non-conceptuality. For him, no perceptual experience is indescribable or indemonstrable: a demonstrative concept like “that shade” is also a demonstrable concept. This paper adopts the philosophical conceptual analytic tool to argue that the introduction of demonstrative concepts by McDowell does not in any way hinder the possibility of non-conceptual content in perception.
机译:认识论的最新趋势是考虑关于认知的认知过程中非概念内容的可能性。这一直在知觉的哲学家之间引起了关于我们知觉经验的内容的真实性质和特征的严重争论。最终出现了两个群体:非概念主义者和概念主义者。一方面,非概念主义者主张,世界的心理表征并不一定以可以用来指定这些表征内容的概念为前提,因此,认知者可以拥有非概念的世界心理表征。他们认为,没有概念能力的生物即使缺乏概念,记忆或语言能力也可以处于满足内容的状态。另一方面,概念主义者声称,非概念性内容既不存在也不对感知具有代表性,因为它们仅仅是感觉的定性内容,即纯粹的感觉内容。对他们而言,如果认知者拥有足够的概念,他们就可以对世界有心理上的表述,通过这些概念他们可以指定自己所代表的事物,否则他们的经验是不可避免的概念。约翰·麦克道威尔(John McDowell,1994年)提出了一个概念,即“示范性思想”来对抗非概念性。对他而言,没有任何感性的经历是无法描述或无法证明的:像“那个阴影”这样的说明性概念也是可证明的概念。本文采用哲学的概念分析工具来论证,麦克道尔(McDowell)提出的示范性概念绝不以任何方式阻碍感知中非概念性内容的可能性。



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