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Translation Zone(s): A Stuttering: An Experiential Approach to Linguistic Hospitality




Abstract This essay outlines the potential of artistic research for engaging audiences in cultural literacy and linguistic hospitality, which according to Paul Ricoeur occurs “where the pleasure of dwelling in the other’s language is balanced by the pleasure of receiving the foreign word at home” (10). It builds upon Emile Benveniste’s (1969) and Jacques Derrida’s (1997, 2000) transcultural etymological investigation of hospitality which is central to Alison Phipps’ ethical, socially oriented ethnographic praxis. Focusing on the use of a sensory and reflexive methodology in Translation Zone(s): A Stuttering, a participatory arts research project-developed during an Arts and Humanities Research Council Cultural Engagement Fellowship-this essay aims to extol the value of adopting an experimental approach to language, to embrace “not knowing” as a constructive methodological strategy and to extend the scope of research within this area to encompass other epistemological fields. The project is recontexualised in the aftermath of the United Kingdom’s EU referendum (2016) and looks towards the possibilities that the affective nature of art affords, considering how it could be used to encourage a critical debate about language and counteract the increasingly nationalist rhetoric and identity politics associated with being a native English speaker.
机译:摘要本文概述了艺术研究在吸引读者参与文化素养和语言接待方面的潜力,据保罗·里科尔(Paul Ricoeur)所说,发生这种情况时“居住在对方语言中的乐趣与在家里接收外来语的乐趣之间取得了平衡”(10 )。它建立在Emile Benveniste(1969年)和Jacques Derrida(1997年,2000年)对款待的跨文化词源研究的基础上,这对艾莉森·菲普斯(Alison Phipps)的道德,面向社会的人种学实践至关重要。着重于在翻译区中使用感官和反思方法:《口吃》,一项参与性艺术研究项目,由艺术与人文研究委员会文化参与奖学金制定,该论文旨在强调采用实验方法的价值语言方面,将“不知道”作为一种建设性的方法论策略,并将这一领域的研究范围扩展到涵盖其他认识论领域。该项目在英国举行欧盟公投(2016)之后进行了重新设计,着眼于艺术的情感性质所带来的可能性,并考虑了如何将其用于鼓励就语言进行批判性辩论并抵消日益民族主义的言论和认同。与以英语为母语的人有关的政治。



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