首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Ecology >RETRACTED: An Analysis of Air Pollutants’ Emission Coefficient in the Transport Sector of Tehran

RETRACTED: An Analysis of Air Pollutants’ Emission Coefficient in the Transport Sector of Tehran




Short Retraction Notice? The paper does not meet the standards of "Open Journal of Ecology".? This article has been retracted to straighten the academic record. In making this decision the Editorial Board follows COPE's Retraction Guidelines . The aim is to promote the circulation of scientific research by offering an ideal research publication platform with due consideration of internationally accepted standards on publication ethics. The Editorial Board would like to extend its sincere apologies for any inconvenience this retraction may have caused. Please see the? article page ?for more details. The full retraction notice in PDF is preceding the original paper which is marked "RETRACTED".? Editor guiding this retraction: Prof. Eyualem Abebe (EiC of OJE).
机译:收回通知短吗?该论文不符合“生态学开放期刊”的标准。这篇文章已撤回以理顺学术记录。在做出此决定时,编辑委员会应遵循COPE的撤稿指南。目的是通过提供理想的研究出版平台,同时充分考虑国际公认的出版道德标准,促进科学研究的流通。对于撤回可能给您带来的任何不便,编辑委员会表示由衷的歉意。请看吗?文章页面?了解更多详细信息。 PDF中的全部撤回声明位于原始纸张的前面,标记为“撤回”。指导撤稿的编辑:Eyualem Abebe教授(OJE的EiC)。



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