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Gender and age are associated with healthy food purchases via grocery voucher redemption




Introduction:Grocery vouchers that specifically target foods associated with reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk result in increased consumption of those foods. In regions with disproportionately high CVD rates, there is little research concerning the impact of vouchers on purchases of risk-reducing foods when there are no restrictions placed on grocery voucher redemption. Since many food assistance programs place few restrictions on type of foods that can be purchased, identifying demographic factors associated with purchasing habits is a prerequisite to promoting healthy eating. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations of age, gender, education and income level with purchasing of healthful foods through the use of a grocery voucher in a rural food desert (poverty rate of ≥20% and ≥33% of residents living >16?km from a large grocery store) with high rates of chronic disease.Methods:The effectiveness of an intervention that included a media campaign, a $5?grocery voucher, local heart healthy food branding and a grocery store event was tested. Brief nutritional articles were published in both local newspapers during four consecutive weeks. These articles explained the physiological actions of healthy foods and listed a health-promoting recipe. During the fourth week of the media campaign, a voucher for a $5?grocery gift card redeemable at one of either community grocery stores was also printed in both local newspapers. In each store, foods that are known to be associated with a reduced risk of CVD were marked with a blue logo. Participants (N=311) completed a questionnaire that assessed demographics and usual servings of fruits, vegetables and grains. Participants received a $5?grocery card and a list of labelled foods. Returned grocery receipts were stapled to the questionnaires to analyse the relationship between demographics and food choices.Results:Participants who bought at least one labelled food item were older (M=48.5, SD=14.7) than those who did not buy any of these items (M=42.3, SD=16.4; p=0.0008). There was a significant association between labelled food purchases and gender, with 47% of male participants purchasing at least one labelled food item compared with 63% of females in the study (p?=?0.008). There were no significant associations between purchase of labelled food items and either education or income. The significant predictors were age (p=0.003) and gender (p=0.01). For every 10?year increase in age, there was a 29% increase in the likelihood that at least one labelled food item would be purchased.?Male participants were 48% less likely to purchase at least one designated food item than female participants were.Conclusions:Younger adults and men may be less responsive to media-based educational strategies, heart-healthy food labelling and grocery vouchers to defray the cost of healthy eating than older adults and women. Previous studies show that concerns about cost and availability of foods are greater factors in the decision to purchase these foods than demographic characteristics. However, age and gender are associated with the likelihood of using grocery vouchers for the purchase of healthful foods. Additional research is needed to determine whether different educational strategies paired with food labelling and grocery vouchers may be successful strategies to promote purchase of healthful foods, particularly for men and younger adults.
机译:简介:专门针对与降低心血管疾病(CVD)风险相关的食品的食品券会导致这些食品的消费量增加。在CVD率异常高的地区,当杂货券兑换没有任何限制时,很少有研究涉及代金券对降低风险食品的购买的影响。由于许多食品援助计划对可以购买的食品种类几乎没有限制,因此,确定与购买习惯相关的人口因素是促进健康饮食的前提。这项研究的目的是通过在乡村食物沙漠中使用杂货券来确定年龄,性别,教育程度和收入水平与购买健康食品的关联(贫困率≥20%,≥33%的居住人口距大型杂货店> 16公里处),且慢性病发病率较高。方法:测试了包括媒体宣传,5美元杂货券,当地心脏健康食品品牌和杂货店事件在内的干预措施的有效性。连续四个星期在两份当地报纸上发表了简短的营养文章。这些文章解释了健康食品的生理作用,并列出了促进健康的食谱。在媒体宣传活动的第四周,两家当地报纸上还印有一张可在任一社区杂货店兑换的$ 5杂货礼品卡的凭证。在每家商店中,已知与降低CVD风险相关的食品都带有蓝色徽标。参与者(N = 311)完成了一份问卷,该问卷评估了人口统计数据以及水果,蔬菜和谷物的常规食用量。参加者会收到一张5美元的杂货卡和一张贴有标签的食物清单。结果:将购买至少一种带标签食品的参与者比未购买这些食品的参与者年龄更大(M = 48.5,SD = 14.7) (M = 42.3,SD = 16.4; p = 0.0008)。标记食品的购买与性别之间存在显着的关联,本研究中47%的男性参与者购买了至少一种标记食品,而女性中的这一比例为63%(p?=?0.008)。购买带标签食品和教育或收入之间没有显着关联。显着的预测因素是年龄(p = 0.003)和性别(p = 0.01)。年龄每增加10年,至少购买一种带标签食品的可能性就会增加29%。男性参与者购买至少一种指定食品的可能性比女性参与者低48%。结论:与老年人和妇女相比,年轻的成年人和男人对基于媒体的教育策略,有益心脏健康的食品标签和杂货券支付健康饮食成本的反应可能较差。先前的研究表明,与人口统计特征相比,对食品成本和可获得性的担忧是决定购买这些食品的更大因素。但是,年龄和性别与使用杂货券购买健康食品的可能性有关。需要进行进一步的研究,以确定将不同的教育策略与食品标签和食品杂货券搭配使用是否可能是促进购买健康食品的成功策略,尤其是对于男性和年轻人而言。



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