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Introduction to World Taekwondo Peace Corps




The World Taekwondo Pace Corps (TPC) was created by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)President, Dr. Chungwon Choue, in 2008 to help enhance world peace and harmony, a deeperunderstanding of different cultures, and friendship around the world through taekwondo volunteerservice (Cutler, 2012). He put a forth challenge to Taekwondo experts, many of whom were collegeand university students, to move away from their personal comfort zone, and to sacrifice for andshare their talents for others in international community. In the same year, Dr. Choue’s vision forthe development of TPC was transformed into reality as the initial fifty‐nine Korean Peace Corpsvolunteers were selected in both summer and winter sessions and dispatched in thirteen hostcountries. One year later, the World Taekwondo Peace Corps Foundation was established toincrease funding to facilitate the development and expansion of the program. By the end of the2014, there were fifteen hundred volunteers who had served the Taekwondo Peace Corps in manyhost countries (World Taekwondo Peace Corps Foundation, 2014).
机译:世界跆拳道步伐军团(TPC)由世界跆拳道联合会主席Chungwon Choue博士于2008年创建,旨在通过跆拳道志愿者服务来促进世界和平与和谐,对不同文化的加深了解以及世界各地的友谊(卡特勒,2012年)。他对跆拳道专家提出了挑战,他们当中许多是大专和大学生,要摆脱他们的个人舒适区,为国际社会的其他人牺牲自己的才能并与他人分享自己的才能。同年,由于最初的59名朝鲜和平军志愿人员在夏季和冬季都被选出并在13个接受国派遣,崔博士对TPC发展的愿景变成了现实。一年后,世界跆拳道和平队基金会成立,目的是增加资金以促进该计划的发展和扩展。到2014年底,在许多接待国为跆拳道和平队服务的一千五百名志愿者(世界跆拳道和平队基金会,2014年)。



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