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Motivations for starting combat sports training as seen by boxing and MMA contestants




Martial arts with many centuries‐long traditions are perceived in public opinion as a carrier ofmany desirable values that is used in youth education system in the Far‐East societies. They wereused not only to bring health benefits, but also for moral education, reduction of social brutality andpromoting positive models of behaviour, as well as a source of complacency (Ku?nierz, 2006;VertonghenandTheeboom, 2010; Twemlow, et al., 2008). Their ideological assumptions involve aview that people train inspired by warrior cultural traditions, thus seeking psychophysicalimprovement and self‐fulfilment through combat techniques (Theeboom, Dong Zhu,andVertonghen,2012). Herrigel (1989) in his description of benefits of such exercises lists: ability to preventaggression, to control own emotions and to react calmly in an emergency situation. Combat sports,thanks to multiple values related to them, have been introduced as a part of school PhysicalEducation curricula. This specific form of motor activity was recognized as a very beneficial one – inthe opinion of researchers from the European Physical Education Association (Theeboom, DeKnop,Wylleman, 2008). A motivation is a necessary factor for undertaking and continuing sport trainingand it also affects greatly a chance to succeed. People are often drawn to specific sports thinking ofa given discipline as particularly interesting and fulfilling or they have been encouraged to one byfriends or family. Another motivating factor may be treating sports as a road to self‐improvement,improving physical fitness or health (KarageorghisandTerry, 2011).
机译:在公众舆论中,具有许多百年传统的武术被视为远古社会的青年教育体系中使用的许多理想价值的载体。它们不仅用于带来健康益处,而且还用于道德教育,减少社会残暴行为和促进积极的行为模式以及自满的来源(Ku?nierz,2006; VertonghenandTheeboom,2010; Twemlow等,2008)。 )。他们的意识形态假设涉及人们受战士文化传统启发而进行训练的观点,从而通过战斗技巧寻求心理上的身体改善和自我实现(Theeboom,Dong Zhu和Vertonghen,2012)。 Herrigel(1989)在他对这种锻炼的好处的描述中列举了:预防侵略,控制自己的情绪以及在紧急情况下冷静反应的能力。由于学校体育课程的一部分,由于与体育运动有关的多种价值观,人们引入了打击运动。欧洲体育协会研究人员认为,这种特定形式的运动活动是非常有益的一种运动(Theeboom,DeKnop,Wylleman,2008年)。动机是进行和继续进行运动训练的必要因素,并且也极大地影响了成功的机会。人们经常被特定学科的特定体育思想所吸引,因为它们特别有趣和充实,或者受到朋友或家人的鼓励。另一个激励因素可能是将体育视为提高自我,改善体质或健康的道路(KarageorghisandTerry,2011年)。



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