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Attitudes towards mixed martial arts sports medicine coverage




The attitudes of physicians towards sports medicine coverage of combat sports may vary. Somephysicians may feel that, as in all sports, sports medicine coverage of combat sports may be needed.Some may feel more revulsion towards covering such sports which may be viewed as “barbaric”(KalinaandBarczyński, 2015). Mixed martial arts (MMA) may be viewed with such an attitude byphysicians, just as how bare‐knuckle boxing was viewed in general in the 19th century (Gorn, 2012).MMA is a combat sport that involves submission grappling, boxing, wrestling, and kickboxing(Bishop, La Bounty,andDevlin, 2013). MMA techniques include kicking, strikes with the knees,elbows, punching, and takedowns. MMA is very similar to “pankration,” a sport that combinedwrestling and boxing, created in 649 BC, first introduced in the original Grecian Olympic games(Kim, Greenwell, Andrew, Lee,andMahony, 2008). The striking and grappling aspects create clearercompetition rules for modern MMA, which also combines these moves with aspects of non‐traditional martial arts (Bishop, La Bounty,andDevlin, 2013).
机译:医师对格斗运动的运动医学报道的态度可能会有所不同。一些医生可能会认为,与所有运动一样,可能需要对战斗运动进行运动医学报道。有些人可能会感到沮丧,因为他们认为这种运动可能被视为“野蛮的”(KalinaandBarczyński,2015年)。医师可能会以这种态度看待混合武术(MMA),就像在19世纪普遍看准拳法一样(Gorn,2012)。MMA是一项格斗运动,涉及屈服,拳击,摔跤,和跆拳道(Bishop,La Bounty,andDevlin,2013)。 MMA技术包括脚踢,膝盖打击,手肘,拳打和下肢。 MMA与“摔跤”非常相似,它是摔跤和拳击相结合的一项运动,于公元前649年创建,最初是在原始的希腊奥运会中引入的(Kim,Greenwell,Andrew,Lee和Mahony,2008年)。引人注目的和令人费解的方面为现代MMA创造了更清晰的竞争规则,并将这些动作与非传统武术相结合(Bishop,La Bounty和Devevlin,2013年)。



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